

An Evolving Community

Over generations, schools evolve by imagining, establishing and strengthening various programs and practices, sometimes with powerful intentionality, but more commonly by a very organic and unconscious process that makes the outcomes far less certain. Regardless of how they evolve, the culture and traditions that become established, and especially those that stand the test of time, reveal a school’s values. 


At Blue Mountains Grammar, we value Faith, Hope and Love as our highest ideals. We are intentional about all that we do to grow young people filled with these and other character traits as well as a range of important learning and life capabilities. We are especially intentional in seeking to nurture a culture and traditions that will support us in this pursuit.


Our culture embraces feedback, understanding its power to create connection, transform lives and facilitate learning. This is exemplified in our current efforts to collect the feedback of parents and students using the AISNSW Perspectives survey. Staff too, after a thorough but somewhat different survey towards the end of 2021, will again be afforded the opportunity to contribute to this feedback process. I am thankful for every person who takes the time to engage with the survey. One parent from each household will have already received an email link. Students in Years 5 to 12 will be given time at School to complete the survey.


Grammar has many longstanding and beloved traditions. One such tradition occurs on the last day of Term 1 and has always shone a light on our highest ideals; Faith, Hope and Love. This year, our annual whole-School Easter Service evolves to include parents and grandparents. The Service will be followed by morning tea for available staff and the other adults present. This will be followed by a visit by grandparents and parents to the Wentworth Falls Junior School campus for a concert and to visit their child’s classroom. The grandparents and parents of Springwood students will have enjoyed this experience the previous day. The invitation to this event can be found here.


We look forward to seeing parents and grandparents on campus yet again, making your unique contribution to our culture and traditions.


Per Ardua Ad Altiora


Mr Ian Maynard
