Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
31st - PSG Meetings
1st - PSG Meetings
-Social Justice Leaders selling Zooper Doopers at lunchtime - $1.00 each
3rd - Confirmation Year 6: 11:00 am
6th - Holy Week Celebrations (The Passion Story) commences 11:45am
8th - Easter Raffle Draw : 12:15 pm
End of Term 1: Students finish at 1:00 pm
26th - Term 2 Commences
28th - School Photo Day
29th - Year 5/6 Interschool Sport
2nd - Year Prep Excursions to Melbourne Zoo
10th-12th - NAPLAN: Year 3 and 5
Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6):
Sunday 3rd April 11:00 am
Sacrament of the Eucharist (Year 3):
Sunday 19th June 11:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 2):
Tuesday 18th October 6:30 pm