Dear Parents/ Carers and Students,


NAPLAN will again be running this year for all Year 7 and 9 students.  This year will see our students complete all tests online along with the rest of the country.  A schedule has been created showing when each class will sit their tests.  All information is provided in the attached letter.

Students will be responsible for ensuring they bring their charged device and headphones to each test as well as checking their Compass timetable to see which room they will be in.  This will be added to Compass during this week.

Along with the attached letter which includes the schedule, the second attachment has some further information for families to read.  Some students will qualify for exemption from the tests.  If this is the case, a staff member will contact the parents/ carers about exemption this week.  There will also be some students that will require additional support (extra time, rest breaks, etc.) and this will be arranged by our staff for the students.  

The possibility of withdrawing a student from a test can also happen.  This is a discussion that parents/ carers can have with their students.  For a student to be withdrawn, parents/ carers will need to contact our College Reception this week and paperwork will need to be signed.  Please have a read of the attached documents for further information.  

If after reading the attached information you have any questions, please contact the school during school hours.



Marina Walsh

Assistant Principal