Vice -Captains ReportĀ 

Hi everyone,Ā 


Term 1 is almost over, and the holidays will soon begin! We asked some staff and students what they're looking forward to on the holidays!! This is what they said:


Mr Spud: Sleep Sleep Sleep šŸ˜“Ā 

Mankeert 5/6S: Going to India

Freedom 5/6S: Playing games with friends

James 3F: Easter

Adual 3A: SwimmingĀ 

Alex 3A: Going to the pool or beach

Kingston 2T: Video games

Salima 2C: Swimming at the pool

Gemma 2G: Going to the beach

Ms Moore: I am really looking forward to packing and preparing for moving into my new house.Ā 


Rubbish Issue

A big problem in our school is rubbish. Weā€™re sending a message to all parents and students to stop littering. Rubbish is bad for the environment because it goes into the ocean and might get caught in little fish and turtleā€™s mouths or turtle shells. Putting an empty bag of chips in the bin can save a little turtle's life, think of the animals. Just picking up a little piece of rubbish can make a huge difference to the environment and to how our school looks. Doesnā€™t everyone prefer a nice clean school. We also invite our community to put forward suggestions to combat this unfortunate issue in our school.Ā 


Until next time,

Ulus and Chloe