Foundation (Prep)

Happy Easter everyone!
Easter has been our theme this week and it has been a very exciting time for Foundation students. Easter activities were integrated into maths, writing and art and they were welcomed with squeals of excitement.
We have had quite a few highlights this week which has made it such a fun way to end the term. Thank you to the Parents and Friends committee for running a hot cross bun day for us - they were delicious!
We also made Easter baskets and were very grateful to all the parents for treating us to an egg hunt after school on Wednesday.
Thursday afternoon was also wonderful because our buddies met us outside to present us with beautiful Easter baskets, which they made just for us!
As you can see we have had lots of fun at school. It is now time to have a rest over the holidays and enjoy some time with our families.
Thank you to all Prep C families for their support this term and I look forward to seeing you after the break.
Amanda Callaway