Principal's Report

As Term 1 draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff, students and our parent community for working together to reconnect our ACPS school community.
It's been fabulous to see the return of many special events including the Warrandyte Festival, and the return of visitors and extra curricula service providers onsite.
Over the course of the term, the students have rebuilt their stamina for a day's learning and reengaged with their friends on a daily basis.
This term at ACPS we have (to name a few things only):
*been sporting champions and our Cricket team won the finals. Congratulations!
*introduced COMPASS
*commenced School Wide Positive Behaviour
*introduced our new Literacy Leader - Sian McQualter and Numeracy Leader Brooke Eastwood
*elected our new School Council
*engaged students in a range of activities to promote student wellbeing and engagement
*brought back our weekly Fab Friday - canteen and had a mega bake sale
*joined in the street parade and performed at the Warrandyte Festival - let's not forget our amazing food stall
*cleaned up the Children's Garden and have new chickens loving their new home
*employed a new gardening team to maintain the grounds and get them looking terrific again
I could keeping adding to the list...
Check out Meredith's Assistant Principal page for more!
Covid Updates
Thank you for your work in ensuring our school remained safe during Term 1.
The Victorian Government has announced it is extending the RAT screening program for the first 4 weeks of Term 2. Thank you to all students and families who have played their role in regularly testing – we know that hasn’t been easy.
Your work has seen COVID-19 cases being picked up at the earliest opportunity, meaning less cases in our school and more time in the classroom for our students.
The testing recommendations will remain the same next Term for students and staff with
the recommendation to test at home twice a week. Check your child's bag today as we handed out RATS after the final assembly.
As we approach winter and flu season, the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 and booster shots for students 16+ remains the best way to ensure protection for students and staff. The Easter break is a good opportunity to get your child vaccinated ahead of this, with many options across GPs, pharmacies and the state run vaccination clinics.
If you have any concerns or worries about getting your child vaccinated, please get in contact with your GP or another health professional who can answer your concerns.
Thank you again for all your support over Term 1, we couldn’t have done it without you.
When we return for Term 2, if your child tests positive or is a close contact needing to isolate, please talk to your class teacher about school work they can do at home. Your teacher will provide you with the learning. In addition, has links to resources for a wide range of subjects and for all age groups from Foundation upwards.
Congratulations to our Prep students who have completed their first full term of Primary School. It's amazing to see how much they have grown and learnt in such a short space of time.
We look forward to starting next term with our newly constructed shade sail located next to the Learning Shack
Today's progress update...
Mother's Day Stall
Compass - New Online Communication Platform
We are very excited to introduce Compass at ACPS in Term 2
Yesterday families were emailed their personal Compass Login details.
Please advise the school if you did not receive it. As of Term 2 Compass will be used for but not limited to the following;
1. Compass will become the number 1 platform for communication from the school. Superceding Konnective.
2. Student absences will now be directly input into Compass by the parent/carer taking away the need to phone the school.
3. Parents will be able to directly email teachers from Compass.
4. Excursions/Events permission slips will be uploaded on Compass.
5. Payment for certain excursions/events will be processed through Compass.
6. Grade 3 - 6 SLDs will be uploaded onto Compass for parents to view.
7. School Reports will be viewed on Compass and will be available for downloading.
8. Parents/Carers will be able to book Parent Teacher Interviews.
9. Late arrivals (from 9am) and early departures must be input via the Compass Ipad in the office. Parents must accompany students to the office to complete this task. Students cannot sign themselves in or out.
For your convenience please download the Compass App onto your phone.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Initiative- SWPBS - “Be your Best”
Our staff are being trained in the initiative SWPBS and we would like to communicate the school’s approach at ACPS with you. Our commitment is to develop students who are resilient, caring and connected with each other and the community. Our goal is to establish and maintain a positive and supportive community, where we are inclusive and mindful of others.
Within this safe environment, students are encouraged to fulfil their social, physical, emotional and academic potential. All students are encouraged to be kind and always to “be your best”.
Acknowledgements for positive behaviours:
- Smiley faces – staff are constantly on the lookout for any positive behaviours in the classroom or the playground, and a smiley face sticker is awarded to students.
- You Are Great (YAGA) – Staff nominate students each week for YAGA Awards. In Assembly students are awarded a YAGA certificate to take home. We are building student capacity and would encourage families to continue the celebration at home following the “surprise” of getting a YAGA.
Please see the attachment for the following:
- School positive behaviour matrix
- Positive behaviour expectations and acknowledgement
Don't forget to check out Meredith's Assistant Principal report in this week's newsletter. It's a fabulous wrap up of Term 1!
- Do you have any comments regarding how you could reinforce these positive behaviours at home and at school which we can share with the community? Please email
Below is the proposed timetable for the implementation of the tests at Anderson’s Creek
Tuesday 10th May | Wednesday 11th May | Thursday 12th May | Tuesday 17th May | Wednesday 18th May | Thursday 19th May |
9:30am Writing grade 3 (on paper) | 9:30am Reading Grade 5 | 9:30am Conventions of lang. Grade 5 | 9:30am Maths Grade 3 | Catch up sessions | Catch up sessions |
11:40am Writing Grade 5 typed on devices | 11:40am Reading Grade 3 | 12:15pm Conventions of lang. Grade 3 | 11:40pm Maths Grade 3 |
For more information about NAPLAN you can visit the NAP website at
If you have any questions or concerns about NAPLAN feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher, Terpsi Milliaresis (NAPLAN coordinator) or myself.
Brooke Eastwood NAPLAN coordinator 2022
Wishing our ACPS school community a fabulous Easter holiday break and I look forward to seeing everyone back in Term 2.
Sue Dyos