HASS Geography Excursion

By Miss Rachel Jasper 

The 18th of March was a bright sunny day and provided great conditions for the Hey HASS class to conduct observations around the Murray River. Their focus was land use and management of the river zone and they found plenty to photograph and take notes on as they toured various locations.


From King’s Billabong and Psyche Pumps to Nowingi Place and Lock 11, signs of good management were evident, but astute geographers did spy some issues that they could recommend solutions for in their field reports. Pencils sketched field drawings and clipboards were well used and Miss Jasper was consulted regularly throughout the day. 



Mr. Faoa navigated some gravel roads well and we even bumped into Mrs. Wilson and baby Ezekiel near Bobby & Me at the riverfront, and spied Mr. Kelleher waving from his offices at Lock 11!


Here are some things students said about the day:

“The things I enjoyed were the buildings at Psyche Bend…and walking around and looking more at the land and the interesting facts I never knew.” Hannah S


“The things I enjoyed on this trip were finding out more about where I live and how the water I use is supplied.” Sophie L


“We looked at how the fragile environment was being destroyed or protected and assessed the overall health of the area of the catchment.” Chenoa H



“I found just walking around and observing nature interesting and fun. A different change of PACE than sitting at our desks.” Anabelle H 


“I enjoyed being in the sun and the fresh air for most of the day…and seeing how many people down at the bridge and weir are experiencing God’s creation that is the Murray River at Mildura.” Hannah F