Visit to Harcourt Farming Co-Op

On the 17th of March 9W and 9D Geography visited the Harcourt Organic Farming Co-Op. This excursion was part of our unit on food security. We started the day with a 1-kilometre walk (in the rain!) and a briefing session on our arrival.


We next explored the nursery orchard gardens. There were peaches, figs, apples, apricots, and apples as well as some other orchard fruits. We then walked up to the orchard and picked an apple each. 


During our day at the Co-op the day we also viewed the market garden and the dairy farm - everyone enjoyed seeing the cows! Afterwards, we were greeted with a nashi pear and a cup of creamy milk each.


We learnt how Co-Op members use Community Supported Agriculture to sell boxes of produce through a subscription, what measures they take to be environmentally sustainable and how the farm started. We ended the day by drawing a field sketch and then hopped back on the bus to school. Overall, everyone had a great day.


Eva Westbrook (9 Frew)