
In Maths classes at Cranbourne Secondary College every attempt is made, where possible, to link mathematical concepts to real world applications. Students are encouraged to present work clearly and logically through skills based activities and practice exercises in class. They also complete a number of problem solving tasks in our dedicated Numeracy room and then reflect on the methods used in attaining the solution.
Term 2 has seen our Year 7 and 9 students conduct their next round of NAPLAN assessments. This was the first year our school has been asked to do the assessments online and the students are to be commended for their efforts and positive attitudes to NAPLAN throughout the extended testing period. As a college, we eagerly await the results and hope to once again observe considerable growth in our students’ data.
Our senior maths classes have now concluded Semester 1 work, with the recent completion of their exams. With the course counselling process almost upon us, students are being encouraged to start thinking about their pathways into future careers and are encouraged to select Maths classes at a relevant level to achieve their goals.
Term 3 will provide some of our students a chance to test their skills against other students nationwide in the Australian Maths Competition. Volunteers will sit a paper on Thursday 1st August with certificates being presented later in the year based on performance. Good luck to all those participating!
Congratulations to all students for their efforts demonstrated so far and we look forward to seeing more excellent work as the year progresses.
Corey O’Shea
Maths Leader