This term MultiPride students are supporting those involved in our Eid festival performance. Now in it’s 3rd year this is a opportunity where students can celebrate their culture and keep the strong connections to their faith while growing up in Australia.
MultiPride supports all cultures in the school and as we grow we want to continually embrace the diversity of backgrounds that comprise our school. We see unity in diversity every day at the school even though cultural norms can be different.
No matter what their cultural backgrounds our students work together, play together or share an interest together. They engage in sport, working on co-curricular activities together and even just share a joke together.
The students on the MultiPride committee can come from any cultural background. In meetings they always work to address issues that are happening in the school to achieve the best outcomes for students.
All Cranbourne Secondary College students know that if they see a student in a maroon jumper that they are a MultiPride student and they can approach them about any issue that they are having.
Students meet in the conference room every Monday lunchtime and all students are welcome to attend.
Annette Evans
MultiPride Coordinator