Junior School
Junior School
What a lovely start to the year! It has been wonderful to hear the buzz of excited little voices telling me stories about their new teachers and the new subjects they are enjoying. This year in the Junior School we have introduced STEM which is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths based program that incorporates group work and thinking skills. I am taking the students for STEM this year in two semester groups. This semester it is Prep, Year 1 and one Year 2 class. While I am doing these classes the other Year 2 class, Year 3 and Year 4 are having a specific IT class with Mr Gary Ong. In the middle of the year Mr Ong and I will swap and this will provide the students with a great basis for technology and future STEM studies in the Middle and Senior years of school.
It is going to be a great year full of new experiences for our students in the Junior School.
Yvonne Hughes
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
Thankyou to a number of parents for your willingness to help us with PMP! The Preps will do PMP on Monday morning (9:10-9:40am approx.) and Preps and Yr 1 will do PMP on Wednesday morning (9:15-10:05am).
The program cannot run without you being available to help the small groups of children and we appreciate you giving of your time.
When you come to school to help, please “sign in” as a “Visitor” in the School Office. When you have finished helping for the morning, please ensure you also “sign out” in the School Office. You can also fill in your Parent Assistance Hours in the folder in the School Office before you leave.
After you have signed in, you can go to the Multi-Purpose Hall. The children will meet you there with their teachers.
All helpers (in the classroom, on excursions, at PMP and swimming) need to complete a “Working with Children Check”. If you already have a WWCC, please go online to include St Andrews Christian College as one of your organisations. Please also show your card to our School Office (for our records). If you do not have a WWCC, please go online to apply for one. When you have lodged your form, you will be given a receipt number. Please show a copy of this receipt to the School Office for our records. When your Working With Children Check is confirmed, please show your card to the School Office.
If you are unable to “help” on your rostered day, please arrange a “swap” with someone else on the roster.
Sonia Sires
Prep Teacher
On Tuesday 20th February we officially became a soccer school! Mr Andrew Farmer began our first training sessions for Year 3 and 4. The students were amazing, with many talents being revealed filling the staff with great anticipation about the prospects of taking over the world of soccer. We look forward with much excitement to the future of soccer at St Andrews, a huge thank you to the Middle School students who helped and our very own “Super Coach” Mr Andrew Farmer.
More about this program on the Sports Page.
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
On Friday , 6 excited students from Years Prep to 3 attended the inaugural “Eco- Captains Chat and Chew!”
We introduced ourselves, enjoyed eating some chips and lamingtons (!) and shared some ideas about the role of an Eco Captain.
Some great ideas were shared! These included: name tags for the Eco-Captains, a reward system to encourage students to be good stewards at our school, making announcements in Assembly and re-introducing “Waste Free Wednesday”. After our initial meeting, some other students have expressed interest in taking on this role so as of today, the Eco-Captains are:
Elijah F. (Prep), Joachim (Year 1), Sophie (Year 2), Darren (Year 2), Odella (Year 3), Annabelle (Year 3), Adina (Year 4), Elise (Year 4) and Beatrice (Year 4).
We will meet again in a week and hope to update you in the next newsletter with some more ideas. Stay tuned!
Sonia Sires
Prep Teacher and Extra Curricular Activities Co-ordinator
Here is a list of extra curricular activities available to Junior students during Semester 1.
Sonia Sires
Prep Teacher and Extra Curricular Activities Co-ordinator