Parents and Friends
PFA Welcome Family Picnic
Parents and Friends
PFA Welcome Family Picnic
The Parents and Friends Association of St Andrews functions to serve and support the college. All parents who pay the $5 PFA levy as part of the school fees are members of the PFA. Meetings are held at least once a term and an AGM in Term 4.
Throughout the year the PFA run community, service and fundraising events. In recent years the PFA have helped fund the Junior School toilets, the Media and Film program and landscaping around the new Senior School building. Community events like Family Picnics and Movie Nights have been enjoyed by all whilst service events have included Mother and Fathers' Day stalls and various Food Days each term.
We look forward to a great 2018 and encourage all parents to become involved in the PFA and school activities.
Andrew O’Brien
PFA President
All families are invited to the St Andrews Family Picnic which will be held on Saturday 24th February from4:30pm – 7:00pm in the College grounds.
The picnic will be a great chance to catch up with friends and experience the sense of community within St Andrews Christian College as we welcome the new school year. There will be a range of free activities for the family to enjoy including a sausage sizzle, jumping castle, animal farm, face painting and balloon sculpting and we might even chance a sighting of a fire truck. Drinks and icy poles will also be available for purchase while you are entertained by the musical performances of the students from St Andrews.
We are also looking for Parent Volunteers to help with the various activities on the day. All hours spent volunteering will be able to be credited to your Parent Participation Hours for the year. All interested parents should confirm their interest by emailing
Parents are reminded that if you are volunteering at school you'll need a current Working With Children Check. These can be done online and then submitted at a post office at no cost.
The school also requires parents who volunteer or go on excursions to read and sign a Child Safety Code of Conduct form, which is available from the school office.
The shop will be open on a Tuesday morning from 8:30am - 9:30am.
Please note that this year the Second Hand Uniform Shop has changed its opening day from Wednesday to Tuesday each week during the School Terms.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is located in Rembrandts.
We are looking for parent volunteers for 2018 who can commit to assisting in the Uniform Shop. Please contact Liz Romney via
School Banking has recommenced for the year and will take place each Tuesday of the school term.
Every Friday lunchtime.
Please note that due to supplier price increases a new Price List has been issued for Icy Pole Friday and is attached for your information.
We are looking for parent volunteers for 2018 who can commit to assisting with Icy Pole Friday. Please contact Andrew Musgrove via
Families can participate by being involved in a variety of activities. During the year, notices will be sent out requesting parent help at various events or activities, for example, helping at sports carnivals, covering library books, icy pole Fridays, 2nd Hand Uniform Shop, PFA events, classroom help or attending working bees.
Parents are required to record the hours they have completed in the Parent Hours Book which is kept in the College Office. You will be charged a Parent Participation fee of $250 at the commencement of each year and will be credited at the end of the term for any work done. You will be credited at a rate of $25 per hour of work completed, up to a maximum of $250 for the year. The time requirement for each family is ten hours per year.
President: Andrew O’Brien
Vice President: Sally Wade
Secretary: Lesley Goh
Treasurer: Jean Lee
Assistant Treasurer: Eric Chen