Theme Poster Competition Winner
Theme Poster Competition Winner
Congratulations to Sam Liu, 8K who won our POSTER COMPETITION for this theme for the College for 2018.
For the safety of all our students and for the smooth running of the College we have many policies and procedures.
Please note some of these policies on our College website:
Here you can find procedures on CHILD SAFETY/GRIEVANCES/ANTI-BULLYING
All students and parents walking across Tyner Rd are to use the School Crossing on Tyner Rd. Of course students/families can also safely cross at the TRAFFIC LIGHTS.
Catriona Wansbrough
The 1st term Working Bee is on Saturday March 17th. This is a great way to contribute to the College and also gain some Parent Participation Hours. More details to follow.
Ted Waterman
Grounds and Maintenance Manager
On Thursday 8th February St Andrews Christian College had the pleasure of hosting the owner of Rembrandts - Mr Sun and his son (who is the manager of Rembrandts) at a visit to our College. We were pleased to have the opportunity to personally THANK the owner for all he has done and the gift of the use of Rembrandts over the past several years.
Mr Sun and his son experienced St Andrews College life as they met with a couple of parents (who presented a letter of thanks), had a couple of class visits, one with a brief Award ceremony (to Mr Sun) and enjoyed a beautiful lunch. During their second class visit, two Year 8 students, Charlie Lamperd and Cathy Liu presented (in English and in Chinese) a special plaque to Mr Sun to honour his COMMUNITY SERVICE to the College.
At St Andrews, we have a range of activities and programs that cater for gifted and talented children. Over the next few newsletters, we will outline some of the programs and practices that we include in our School curriculum in order to share some of the understandings and reasonings underlying what we do. The first one of these practices is Advanced Maths Classes.
Advanced Maths Classes
From Year 2 to 6 we have Maths every day during period 3. This allows for students who already know the content of their respective year level to be accelerated to the next year level. At the beginning of each year, we analyse a range of results and allocate Maths classes according to ability levels. We still operate under the normal constraints of class sizes but we ensure that we are doing all we can to cater for the needs of each child.
This year, we have extended this practice into the Senior School where Maths classes are now blocked on at the same time from Year 7 to Year 10. We are still constrained by class sizes and the number of Maths staff but, where possible, all students who require acceleration are placed within this Maths blocking. This means, for example, that a Year 8 student who is working at a Year 9 level, goes to the Year 9 class when Maths is held.
Streaming our Maths classes allows us to ensure that we are maximising student engagement. If a student is working at their level, they will be better engaged and learn more effectively. It is worth noting that the Maths class at each year complete that same work so that students who are not accelerated are not disadvantaged.
If you would like more details regarding the way Maths is organised across the College, please contact myself:
Merrick Brewer
Gifted and Talented Coordinator.
This year we launched the house sports shirts. It has been a fantastic process for our students who have been involved in designing and creating our new house crests. The 2017 Middle School house captains worked together to create the new symbols and meanings for the crests and then handed them on to our Year 8 Art students under the capable supervision of Tom Gibbs. All the symbols were hand drawn by our students and then our resident graphic designer and marketing manager Susan de Kretser created the digital images of the crests ready for our new shirts.
I am so proud of all our students for their dedication to this process, it has been a valuable learning experience.
It has been great to see the students running around in their new shirts, they look fantastic. The students are allowed to wear these shirts as an extra sport t-shirt for any sport lessons and most importantly on any House event days during the year. If you have not collected your child’s shirt yet you can do this from the second hand uniform shop.
Strength - Honour – Unity - Wisdom
Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power”
Endurance – Integrity – Justice - Humility
Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”
Perseverance – Courage – Passion - Success
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
It has been great to celebrate the achievements of the Year 12 students in 2017.
At St Andrews we recognise that our students are for more than just a VCE result and ATAR number. We aim to educate the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, socially, culturally and academically. It is pleasing to see the hard work of the students and teachers in the classroom be recoginsed with excellent results. Some highlights include:
Median Study Score of 32.
10.8% of study score were above 40.
26% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above (top 10% of state)
52% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above (top 20% of state)
67% of students achieve an ATAR of 70 or above (top 30% of state)
St Andrews Christian College was ranked in the top 100 school in the state of Victoria on the basis of our 2017 VCE results!
In 2018, we are continuing to pursue excellence in the classroom. It is exciting to be able to add a range of subjects to the offering we provide to students. This year we have added:
Please feel free to ask any questions to find out more about the great things happening at Senior School; inside the classroom and in building the many facets of our students’ lives
John Presant
Head of Senior School
Here is the beautiful little boy born to Karen and Joan Hwang (Kirk).
Asaph Yong Xuan Hwang born on 16/1/18 at 3.5 kg. Baby doing very well and putting on lots of weight.
A great effort by four students from St Andrews, who fundraised for the Epilepsy Foundation prior to Christmas.