Year 7

With HeadStart beginning, so does Year 8 for our 2018 Year 7s. Along with this change for them comes other changes at Cranbourne Secondary College too, such as changes to our daily timetable - 6 periods have now become 5 and school now finishes at 3.10 every day (the students are definitely in mourning for their 2.30 finish on a Tuesday!).
They do have a lot to look forward to though in the coming weeks such as PACE day on Tuesday 11th December and activities week 17-19th December to finish the school year.
It’s been a big year for the Year 7s with their transition into high school and all that it has brought. We have seen students overcome fears, step into leadership roles for the first time, and make and achieve their goals. We look forward to recognising our student’s outstanding efforts and achievements for 2018 at the annual college awards night on Monday 3rd December and we offer a huge congratulations to all those students who will be receiving awards.
Good luck to our new Year 8s for the coming year, we hope that it will bring exciting new adventures, more goals to meet, and wonderful moments shared with teachers and peers.
The last couple of weeks has seen the Year 7 students compete their Common Assessment Tasks across all subject areas. It can be a stressful time for our students doing their assessments. All students should be commended for how they went about completing their assessments and be proud of the results they achieved.
In the last week we have seen the changeover of year levels from Year 7 into Year 8, through the College’s Headstart program. All students are now adapting to their new electives and teachers, the Year 7 team would like to wish all students all the best with their endeavours in Year 8, in 2019.
On Monday 3rd December, a number of Year 7 students received invitations to the Schools Presentation Night. This is an important night on the schools calendar and all students who received awards on the night should be extremely proud of their achievements throughout 2018.
Finally, thank you to the whole Year 7 team for the support they have provided throughout the year in the running of all aspects of the Year 7 Program, it is greatly appreciated by the students you have taught this year.
Nigel Adkin
Year 7 Leading Teacher