VCE News

End of VCE Exam periods
Both the formal externally-run Year 12 VCAA exams and internal Year 11 VCE exam periods have now concluded for 2018. The Year 12 (Units 3/ 4) exams commenced with external oral language and Theatre Studies’ performance exams in mid- October and then began in earnest with the all-important English/ EAL exams on Wednesday 31 October. The final external VCAA exam, German, occurred on Tuesday 20 November. These exams are externally-run by VCAA appointed supervisors, who enforce a consistent set of rules and regulations which operate in all VCE-provider schools. Such exams form the single most influential component of every student’s Study Score in each subject, and thus have an enormous impact on their tertiary entrance score (ATAR). This is precisely why all Year 11 VCE students have formal exams, both mid- year and end- of- year, in order to appropriately develop and enhance such key skills.
Release of Year 12 Results
Year 12 VCE students, and Year 11 students studying a Units 3/ 4 subject this year, have already been advised that the VCAA, who oversees all the assessing of exams and calculates Study Scores for each Year 12 subject, will release the 2018 results on the morning of Friday 14 December. The organisation responsible for the calculation of the ATAR for tertiary entrance, VTAC, will also release ATAR scores on the same day. We wish all the Class of 2018 the best of luck as this big day approaches!
Valedictory Dinner
The annual Valedictory Dinner for the Class of 2018, parents, family and Year 12 teachers, will be held on the evening of Tuesday 18 December at the Grand on Cathies Lane in Wantirna South. This is a major school event, with in excess of 400 people expected to attend. It will celebrate Year 12 student success, with the presentation of VCE certificates, subject awards and several other major awards included the Dux of VCE and VCAL and VCE and VCAL Valedictorians.
After 23 years at Cranbourne Secondary College, most of which have been in my current role as VCE Leader, and over 40 years of school teaching, I am retiring at the end of 2018. It has been a delight and privilege to work closely with so many students and parents over that period of time. I will be continuing to act as an educational consultant in the future, and so will remain within the educational sphere.
Ross Huggard, VCE Leader