Year Adviser News

Year 8 Year Adviser


Rhys Murphy

As we reach the end of what has been a fruitful and rewarding year for Year 8 we should take this time to acknowledge all of the fantastic work that the year group has undertaken in 2019. It has been a year of great growth both academically and as young people for the year group. There are some things that the students need to remember for the remainder of the school year.


Swim school is coming up for Year 8, students are asked to ensure that they return their notes and money as soon as possible, for more information or if you have any questions please see Miss Hanlon or Mr Sondaar in PDHPE.


Examinations are coming up in Week 5, students are reminded to be proactive in regards to their exams and see their classroom teacher for any additional assistance or advice in the lead up to exams. In order to achieve to their maximum potential, parents and guardians should endeavour to ensure that students are undertaking around 2 hours of study per evening.


Finally, this term will see the introduction of the ‘Free and Frequent’ system as a way of helping to ensure students are behaving in a manner consistent with the expectations at Evans High. The focus this term will be on processes when entering the classroom, with students that exhibit positive behaviour being put in a weekly draw to win a five dollar canteen voucher.


On a personal note I would like to say that 2019 has been the most rewarding year of my career thus far and this is in no small part due to the Year 8 group as a collective. I hope that you are as proud of them as I am and I look forward to getting in touch with you all again as we begin to navigate Year 9 in 2020.

Year 10 Year Adviser

Steve Satmaka

Year 10 have had their exams this week, it was fantastic to see the amount of effort students put into study and revision.


As we are coming towards the end of the year, preparations are well underway for our year-end celebration. It has been wonderful seeing the year group come together through our fundraising activities and the realisation that they will soon be seniors in the school.

Their maturity has been evident in how quickly they took the new systems introduced at the bus bay and lining up at their classrooms. It makes me proud seeing them collectively grow and blossom into role models here at Evans.


I wish my year group great success in the next few weeks and look forward to winding down with them all at the Year 10 Celebration!