Deputy Principals' Reports
Deputy Principal (Years 7, 9, 11)
Ms Belinda Hunter
Firstly I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Year 11 students, who have now become our Year 12 cohort for 2020. They have commenced their HSC studies with enthusiasm, and I know that this positive approach will continue over the next year, when they become the Graduating Class of 2020. I would also like to congratulate the students who were successful in their application to be part of the 2020 Student Leadership Team. They are a wonderful group of students, who bring unique perspectives, experiences and ‘visions’ for Evans High School in the future. I am looking forward to working closely with them, to ensure that we are on track to achieve a variety of goals they have set for themselves. I would also like to acknowledge the excellent standard of uniform that this year group displays consistently. They are not only positive role models to other students at Evans High School, but they also showcase our school in the community to the highest of standards. Congratulations!
Year 9 students have been busy completing revision and study for their yearly examinations, and it has been very pleasing to see that many of our students have a structured homework program that they complete at home, which is reflected not only in formal examinations, but also in their book work and assessment tasks. Students have been undertaking some very engaging activities in their elective subjects, and I have seen some very impressive creations that have been made as part of the Industrial Technology-Metals class. Well done! Walking past the kitchens during Year 9 Food Technology lessons is also something that I enjoy, it all smells incredibly delicious!!!
Year 7 students have been working steadily, and once again, I have seen some very impressive projects that have been designed and developed during ‘Intensives’ lessons. I often drop in to classes to see the amazing things that are happening, and I am continually impressed with the contributions that all students are making in their classes. The energy in the classrooms, laboratories and workshops is extremely positive, and I think that is very much reflected in the high quality of work that is being produced by this amazing group of young people.
Year 7 students will be participating in Swim School during Week 7, commencing on Monday 25 November 2019. If you have any questions in relation to Swim School, please contact the school as soon as possible. I encourage all students to attend and participate to the best of their ability, as the skills that you learn throughout Swim School are incredibly important, particularly as we reach the warmer weather and we may be around aquatic environments. Students learn how to behave safely around these environments, but also learn and practice the skills which could assist themselves and/or others if needed. A huge thank you to the PDHPE faculty, and the other teachers attending and supporting this important program.
As the weather has started to heat up quite rapidly, I would like to give another reminder that the uniform shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8am-9.30am. There is a link on our school website to assist families in ordering uniforms, if for any reason you are not able to attend the school. All students are expected to wear full school uniform, at all times, including black leather shoes. Hooded jumpers/jackets are not uniform items and should not be worn to school (including underneath school shirts). Sports shoes should be carried in school bags and worn during sport/PE practical lessons as needed. If you require any assistance in relation to uniform, please contact the front office.
Finally, a reminder to all students that travel to or from school on buses, please ensure that you have an Opal Card and that you are using it to ‘Tap On and Tap Off’. It is incredibly important that all students do this, as the data obtained by tapping on and off with the Opal Cards impacts on the number of buses that are allocated to transport students.
Deputy Principal (Years 8, 10, 12)
Mrs Kerry Doyle
A huge congratulations to our Year 12 students who have now completed their HSC examinations and sign out procedures. We will remember them warmly and look forward to assisting them with their post school destinations when they receive their results. Many students have expressed that they have already received traineeships as well as early entry to university and we congratulate them on their forward planning and commitment to a strong successful future. HSC results are released December 17th this year and we will have Ms Jansen available on that day and the rest of the year to assist students with their pathways and options when they have a clear picture of what is available for them.
Year 10 have been completing examinations this week, their behaviour in these examinations should be commended. Many students have been engaging in a pre-apprenticeship programs being delivered at our school to assist with making decisions about future employment and education plans. Many of our Year 10 students have been working tirelessly and we would like to congratulate Farzana on receiving an ABCN scholarship that includes three years of mentoring with business leaders, and financial assistance for her education now and into the future, this opportunity will assist her in continuing to strive for success in her future. In addition, three of our Year 10 male students were selected to attend a Haka Warriors camp, Willie, Caleb and Martin have been identified as strong male leaders who have developed their cultural and leadership capabilities whilst undertaking the program.
Year 8 have also sat their first formal examination session this year. The students’ assessment has been focussed on hands on learning activities until now and we strive to prepare them for the formal examinations which they are required to sit in their future education through timely preparedness. An excursion to celebrate student success has been planned for the end of the year. Those students who have less than five referrals for negative behaviours as well as have not been suspended and in addition who have above 85% attendance. Over two thirds of our Year 8 students will qualify for this excursion and we look forward to celebrating positive behaviour in line with our school expectations of Cooperative, Polite, Responsible behaviour.
Year 6 will be having their Orientation Day for 2020 and we look forward to welcoming our new families and existing families into our school. Information packages have been sent home and we encourage families to apply for the scholarships for academic excellence included in those packages. We encourage parents to stay for morning tea on that day and meet staff and ask questions which they may have.
Intensive English Centre Deputy Principal
Mrs Mee Liau
In pace with the speed of time and the flurry of activities happening at the Intensive English Centre (IEC), enrolments are steady at 195 with 17 classes. Newly arrived families are predominantly skilled migrants settling into the expanding Western Sydney region.
In Week 4, a presentation by the Metro West Zone Youth Command School Liaison Officer, re-enforced Cyber Safety to our students. Such periodical talks by uniformed authority in a supportive partnership, always upholds family and school expectations and students are introduced to healthy after-school activities in local sports clubs and the PCYC.
In Week 4, the NSW Intensive English Program Mathematics Conference was hosted by Evans IEC. IEC Mathematics teachers from all 14 IECs attended the conference, with a lead presenter, Stuart Palmer; an educational consultant, lecturer at Sydney University and lead author of the Cambridge Maths NSW Years 7 to 10 textbook series. We are proud to showcase our SMART Board interactive teaching resources, created by our Mathematics teachers, led by Ms Samuel. This is the fourth of such conferences to facilitate collaborative teaching amongst the subject specialists.
In Week 5, we hosted our second IEC-Feeder Schools (both high and primary schools) Information Day. The highlight of the day is the confidence of key learning areas co-ordinators presenting the work of their faculties. It also provided invaluable networking amongst EAL/D specialists for future collaboration and innovative 2020 planning.
Finally, the first half of Term 4 concludes with 40 skilled and unskilled volunteers from Ernst & Young. The school’s Green Team led by Ms Griffiths and Mr Agcanas, under the supervision of our skilful GA, Mr Berghofer, worked on beautifying the gardens. The skilled volunteers worked with Ms Fernando (IEC teacher) and Ms Jansen (high school Career Advisor), on resume writing and corporate employment soft skills.