Miss Munro's Maths Message
Miss Munro’s Maths Message!
I seem to have blinked and ‘BAM’ we’re in Week 4! We have now farewelled our Year 12 students and on that home run into the end of year.
So what have we been up to and what do we have coming up over the next few weeks?!
Year 7 & 8
Year 7 and 8
Our Year 7 students now only have ONE MORE MATHS PATHWAY CYCLE for this year. Over the course of the school year, our students in year 7 have achieved an average growth rate of 109.9167%. This means that most students have been able to show mastery and understanding of a year of Mathematics. THIS IS FANTASTIC! Added to that we are developing students who have skills which can be applied to all areas of curriculum and life. Our students are learning to be self-motivated, critical thinkers, problem solvers and so much more.
Our Year 8 cohort who joined us on Maths Pathway part way through the year, have had an average growth rate of 130.873. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? These students are putting in the hard work, completing their modules and working to become an active participant in their learning. Our Year 8 team still have two tests left in this Year for Maths Pathway cycles – so don’t drop the ball now. We can’t wait to show each individual student how much knowledge they have gained and the skills they have developed over 2018.
Year 9 & 10
Our 9/10 classes will keep working through the term with Maths Pathway and Rich Tasks. The rich tasks will be the assessment work for Term Four. This will mean that the students won’t have to complete an extra learning task on top of the work they are already doing (audible sigh from everyone). This means, we really want to see our students step up to the challenge, and be giving it their all during our last few weeks. With ONLY TWO learning cycles left, it’s a great chance to set some challenging goals!
Our 10s who have begun work on their General maths course are enjoying the challenge! It won’t be long before 2019 appears…