From the Principal

Principal's Report

Welcome back to the second semester during what has been a very wet start to the term. Students have settled back into the daily routine and to their new timetable quickly and with positive reports.

Victorian Young Leaders to China Program

Last year we applied for positions for students to travel to China as part of an extensive leadership program and we can now report that 6 students in year 9 have been successful in obtaining a placement. This is a huge opportunity for out students given we have commenced a Chinese language program this year, have already traveled to China to sign a sister schools agreement and will host students at our school in 2020. The successful students are Arabella Konrad-Chazique, Gemma Baty, Georgia Pitts, Ella Thompson, Oscar Bosch and Lucas Kyle. Congratulations to these students and thank you to the many students who applied to be a part of this program.

Work Experience at Year 10

During the last two weeks of term, the year 10 cohort were all out of the school as part of the work experience program and the responses from businesses were incredibly positive. It is no surprise to us that our students perform so well in the workforce but it was lovely to hear from so many people just how successful these students were as they tasted a range of potential career opportunities. Whilst there were some students who completed work experience in distant locations, those that were working in the local community were visited by a range of staff members and again the feedback was amazing. Thank you to Ms Vincent for her tireless work, the students for their application, and to the many workplaces that open their doors for our students each year. 

New School Building Progress

Following the announcement of Stage 1 Funding for our new school, a meeting was held Thursday during the school holiday period with Moreton Dunn Architects and a representative from the Victorian Schools Building Authority. The planning to progress to Schematic Design is now occurring and will conclude towards the end of the term in readiness for drawing design and then to tender following the next announcement of funding hopefully in May 2020. The planning at this stage is for Stage 1 which consists of a technology building, resource, administration and food technology areas. There will be consultation required where architects will be available to meet with community members, school council, students and staff to ensure input into the final design. Exciting times ahead... finally!

2020 Planning and Subject Selections

In preparation for 2020, there will be a series of announcements soon regarding information nights for Senior students 11/12, then middle years 9/10 and finally junior years 7/8. Again, there is some change on the horizon and a range of different subjects on offer, particularly in the middle school to align student voice and choice. teacher expertise and subject rigour. It is hoped this will encourage students to try more subjects over a two year period, and to elect subjects with core and elective areas that meet their interests and career needs. Please keep a look out for these information evenings.

Winter Sports

Winter sports began late last term and will conclude this term with more to come on the boys and girls football and netball results after games next week. 

Berry St Training- Student Free Day

August 5th is the date set for out continuation of Berry Street training for all staff, and has been scheduled whilst Sheepvention is on to minimise the impact to families.

Other News for the Week Ahead

Next week we have local Grade 5 students in the school on Tuesday for a tasting experience and a General Assembly on Friday. As always, please do not hesitate to contact the school at any times with a concern or to highlight a celebration.