From the Principal's Desk

Latest news from Mrs Michelle Barrett
White Ribbon thought of the Week
"I respect myself, respect others, respect learning and respect my environment"
Welcome Back to Term 3
All parents received their Semester 1 reports at the end of Term 2 and have been given an opportunity to arrange interviews to discuss their child’s progress. Parent teacher evenings are just one opportunity to discuss a child’s progress and parents are most welcome to arrange to meet with staff outside of these times, should they have any concerns or issues they would like to discuss. It was pleasing to see so many parents and carers of primary students last week and we are looking forward to meeting with parents of secondary students this week.
Year 10 Elective Choices
It is at this time of the year, that students in Year 10 have an opportunity to consider which subjects they would like to study for the Higher School Certificate. Some students will have already established what career pathway they would like to aim for, but most have yet to decide exactly what they would like to pursue. Our Careers Advisor, Mr Carl Thorne, is a great contact for parents and students who have questions regarding future career pathways. Our Head Teachers are also on hand to help student's to determine which subjects are appropriate for them, in each respective subject area.
Students will be given an opportunity to meet with the Careers Advisor and myself before they commit to their final choices. Making a subject choice does not necessarily mean the subject will run in 2020, as it depends on the number of students who select particular subjects, as to whether or not the subject goes ahead. If you have any concerns about your child’s decisions please contact the school to arrange the appropriate person to help you. For further information about the Stage 6 Curriculum, please refer to NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) on the link below.
NAIDOC Week Celebrations
Last week Molong Central School Celebrated NAIDOC week. Students learnt about Aboriginal culture and participated in activities designed to complement the 2019 theme Voice.Treaty.Truth. NAIDOC week celebrates the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Secondary attended workshops by Milan Dhiiyaan and Primary students rotated through a series of activities designed to improve the knowledge of students. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students also attended workshops to prepare drama and dance items which were presented to the school at a Whole School Assembly.
Kindergarten to Year 12
Every 5 years Molong Central School organises to have the whole school photographed as a record of the students and staff who were part of the school at that particular point in time. While all year groups were setting up for the photo, I was reminded of what an amazing context a Kindergarten to Year 12 setting is. There was a great deal of energy and a positive feeling amongst the students and staff and it was fascinating watching the reactions of each year group. Starting with a very excited Kindergarten to a subdued Year 12, showed clearly all stages of development students go through and it is a privilege to work across all stages of education.
We are currently finalising numbers of students for 2020, so should you know of any families that have not currently enrolled their Kindergarten or Year 7 students, could you please ask them to contact the school ASAP, so class groupings and teaching staff can be arranged. There is a link below explaining the enrolment process and Mr Taprell and Mrs Brown are available should there be any queries.