Behaviour Management

Behaviour Management Information

Recently concerns have been raised within our community about behaviour incidents happening at our school. As a school we take behavioural issues seriously and have the well-being and welfare of our students as a priority.

Our aim is that all students need to feel that school is a safe place where:

  • People care about them
  • Their needs for support, respect and friendship are met
  • They are able to get help to work out problem.

Bullying is not acceptable. Bullying is a repeated form of harassment. A person is bullied when one or more other people expose them regularly and over time to negative or harmful actions. Bullies are people who deliberately set out to intimidate, exclude, threaten and/or hurt others repeatedly.

We ask parents to work with us, firstly making making contact with the classroom teacher so that all concerns can be readily addressed. Our teachers are available to discuss issues by face-to –face conversation, email or a phone call.

When addressing behaviour incidents, the teacher involved speaks with both the victim and perpetrator. For the victim we support them with empathy and understanding. The use of strategies such five finger and programs such as Mpower girls and revved up boys are implemented.

For the perpetrator, restorative conversations occur with teacher and further sessions with our Health and Well-being Co-ordinators are conducted to discuss the students’ goals to support positive behaviours. Parents are contacted to brief them on the details of the incident and any follow up meetings (where needed) are organised.

Please see flow chart of our Student Behaviour Management at Mount View Primary school.

Behaviour Management Flow Chart
Behaviour Management Flow Chart

If you have any other concerns, please contact Bianca Gatherum, Assistant Principal (Student Behaviour)