Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Year 5 Campers

Last Thursday, I travelled to Phillip Island Adventure Resort and spent the day visiting the Year 5 campers to see how everyone was enjoying the experience. The weather was good with only a shower to be had during the lunch break. The many camp activities on the day included camp cooking, low ropes, ball games and ponding. Everyone was looking forward to the disco which was to be held in the evening. Disco T-shirts had been decorated and were ready to go!


I would like to thank the students for the manner in which they participated in the camp activities, and for their behaviour demonstrating that they remembered our school values.The experience was a positive one and our students again showed that Greenvale kids are GREAT kids.


Thanks to the teachers and parents who attended and gave four days of their time to make the camping experience such a memorable one for all the students. Thanks to Jessica Wynd who organised the camp, to the school staff Alana Steff, Brett McGinniskin, Joyce Hickling, Linda Doig, Shannon Carroll, Jack Synan and Alex Magafas, and to the parents Steven Nunn, Liz Yanliz, Lisa Basic and Ellen Maskell.

Italian Week Celebrations

Our assembly on Monday was alive with Italian colours, Italian costumes and Italian music. We launched our Italian Week celebrations by listening to the Italian National Anthem followed by the Foundation classes singing Ciao Buongiorno, La Canzone di Geppetto and Andiamo alla Festa. The Italian incursion performance, Pinocchio was enjoyed by the students.


Lunchtime activities over the week included pasta craft, Pinocchio jigsaw puzzles, Italian bingo, Italian bowling – BOCCE, Karaoke- Singing along to Italian songs on You Tube, Dance - Duck Dance, Gioco Jouer.


Thank you to Senora Schembri for the organization of the week.

2019 Writers' Festival

Come and celebrate the amazing gallery of student writing pieces! Next week we are looking forward to the launch of our third annual Writers’ Festival at Monday morning assembly. The theme for this year’s Writers’ Festival is ‘To Infinity and Beyond’. The theme was inspired by the crashing of an alien space craft in our school grounds during the Term 2 holiday break. Over the course of Term 3, a number of unknown aliens were spotted and photographed in the school. It seems that Mrs. Symons may also have been kidnapped by the aliens as she was missing from school for over a week!


Every student in our school published a piece of writing based around the theme, these then being displayed in the corridors of the main building. Please make some time next week to  walk through the corridors reading the work created by our students.

2019 World Teachers' Day

This year, World Teachers Day in Australia is being celebrated on Friday, 25th October in recognition of the contribution teachers make to education across the globe. Research states that the most important element that makes a difference to student outcomes is the teacher. Celebrated in over 100 countries, World Teachers’ Day was inaugurated on 5th October 1994 by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to commemorate the 1966 joint signing of the UNESCO/ILO (International Labour Organisation) Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers. In adopting this recommendation, governments unanimously recognised the importance of competent, qualified and motivated teachers in society. Internationally World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the first Friday in October. However, as this is usually during Australian school holidays, Australia celebrates the day on the last Friday in October of each year. In our rapidly changing and intedependent world, teachers not only have to ensure that students acquire solid skills in basic subjects, but also that they become responsible local and global citizens, at ease with new technologies and able to make informed decisions about health, the environment and other challenges. Can I encourage you to show your appreciation to your child’s teacher on that day? I’m sure your child will have some ideas.



If you know of any issues that could impact on your child's learning, please put it in writing addressed to the Principal.  All the requests are to be back to school by Wednesday 30th October. Please do not send requests asking for a specific teacher.



Do you have a child who will be a Foundation student in 2020? Have you enrolled him/ her yet? If not, please do so immediately by phoning the school office or dropping in to complete the enrolment form.



If you are leaving our school and will not require a place at Greenvale Primary School for 2020 can you please let the office know immediately? We are currently organising class structures for 2020, so it is essential that we are informed of any students who are leaving.


Food for Thought:









Angelika Ireland