Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Parent Opinion Survey

Thank you to the 79 families who responded to the online Parent Opinion Survey last term.


In the table below you can see the percentage of positive endorsements from our families. We have seen an improvement in 16 out of the 19 areas under each Domain. That is a reflection of importance we place on the parent / school partnership and the learning that our school ensures for our students.

Junior School Council Presentation

At the last School Council Meeting out Junior School Council were invited to present their leadership achievements over the 2019 school year. JSC has 2 representatives from each year level from Years 3-6 and also includes the School Captains and Vice Captains. The JSC delivered a presentation to the School Council about their role and their organisation of whole school events to support worthwhile causes.


I would like to congratulate all of our JSC members for their focused efforts over the course of the year.

Year 3 reps - Isobel and Keola 

Year 4 reps - Madison and Charlie 

Year 5 reps - Nethasha and Kerem

Year 6 Reps -  Chris and Julia

School Captains – Jessie, Jarvis, Amaiya and Lincoln


They organised many special events across the school including fundraising for the Good Friday Appeal the Brainchild Foundation and Earn and Learn. They also helped out with Footy Colours Day, the concert and led the ‘Bullying, No Way’ day.


 Also, a big thank you to Brett McGinniskin, who, as the Learning Leader for Student Agency guided this group in 2019.



2019 Writers' Festival

Last Monday at assembly, we launched of our third annual Writers’ Festival to celebrate the amazing gallery of student writing pieces! The theme for this year’s Writers’ Festival was ‘ To Infinity and Beyond’. The theme was inspired by the crashing of an alien space craft in our school grounds during the Term 2 holiday break. Every student in our school published a piece of writing based around the theme, these then being displayed in the corridors of the main building. I hope you made some time to walk through the corridors to read the work created by our students.


Pictured are  the students from each year level selected to share their writing after the launch, parents and guests were invited to attend these readings in the staff room, followed by a Rocket Cake cutting and morning tea. Congratulations to Ekla, Can, Shae-Lee, Niyal,  Hrayhaan, Alexia and Alveena for your amazing writing!


A big thank you to Gabby Tigafua, John Scollo and Hannah Baker for your leadership in organising the Writer’s Festival.



Do you have a child who will be a Foundation student in 2020? Have you enrolled him/ her yet? If not, please do so immediately by phoning the school office or dropping in to complete the enrolment form.



If you are leaving our school and will not require a place at Greenvale Primary School for 2020 can you please let the office know immediately? We are currently organising class structures for 2020, so it is essential that we are informed of any students who are leaving.


Food for Thought:








Angelika Ireland