Careers Corner

VCE Results and Study Scores
All students who are currently undertaking a unit 3/4 subject this year will need to register on the VCE Results and ATAR website ( ) in order to receive their study scores as soon as they are released at 7am on 16th December. Students will just need their VCAA student number to register.
Year 12
I want to send out another reminder for all Year 12 students and parents of the important VTAC dates that are upcoming. I want to let all students and parents know that I will be available for students throughout the exam period and after exams are complete, for any students needing assistance with preferences or any career related support for 2021 and beyond. Once ATARs are released on Thursday 16th December, I will make myself available onsite at school over the Thursday and Friday for all Year 12 students to come and see me to discuss their ATAR and VTAC preferences during ‘change of preference’ period, as well as seek any support or assistance.
ATAR and study score release date
7.00am - Thursday, 16th December 2021
Domestic Students
First round offers: 14th January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 20th December 2021)
Second round offers: 1st February 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 20th January 2022)
Third round offers: 8th February 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 2nd February 2022)
Fourth round offers: 14th February 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 9th February 2022)
Fifth round offers: 18th February 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 15th February 2022)
International Students
First round offers: 21st December 2021 (Change of preferences allowed until 12pm on 17th December 2021)
Second round offers: 7th January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 22nd December 2022)
Third round offers: 13th January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 11th January 2022)
Fourth round offers: 18th January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on14th January 2022)
Fifth round offers: 21st January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on the 19th of January 2022)
Sixth round offers: 28th January 2022 (Change of preferences allowed until 4pm on 25th January 2022)
Year 11 & Year 12
I have organised for any interested students in Year 11 and Year 12 who would like the opportunity to complete their RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificate at school. This course is run over a 6-hour period and the courses will be held after exams and transition week have been completed, so to not interrupt any student’s schoolwork. By offering students the opportunity to complete this certificate we hope that it will help improve their employment options within hospitality or select areas of retail or even in events, as the RSA certificate is mandatory for anyone employed to serve, sell, or offer alcohol in Victoria.
Year 10
Any students who are interested in participating in work experience this year have been given the opportunity to complete this during the week of 6th – 10th December, this falls on the week after transition week, so no student’s schoolwork will be interrupted by attending work experience. Work experience is not mandatory for students this year, although if any student did want to participate, they do have the opportunity to do so, although students will need to provide me with the required and completed work experience forms ASAP.
Heather Palm
Careers and Pathways Coordinator