Junior School News

Year 7 News
Listen to Amelia Sujana (9B) present the Acknowledgement of Land in Indonesian.
Year 7 Geography Work
During remote learning, students in Mr Chiumello’s Year 7 Geography classes worked meticulously on applying their learning about Liveable Cities to create “The World’s Most Liveable City”. Students needed to design their city, ensuring they had included liveable and sustainable features. Maps used geographic conventions, including a legend and annotations to justify their selections, linking it to sustainability. To share their success, below are some exemplary samples.
Clinton Chiumello
Teaching and Learning Leader
Year 9 Corner
Year 9 students are experiencing the last days of their Junior School life before transitioning into Senior School. We want to commend all of the Year 9s for their tenacity over the last three years while looking forward to Year 10. It has been a particularly challenging couple of years losing both of their camps however we are proud of them for moving through the Junior School and seizing all opportunities possible.
We particularly commend the Year 9s on the support they have provided to each other and know this will continue into the Senior School. Looking towards Year 10 where students will be completing a wide variety of subjects more tailored to their interests, we encourage students to set goals and challenge themselves in their endeavours.
Year 10 subject selection information has been provided via google classroom. We expect students to read all this information carefully and let the Senior School know about any concerns as soon as possible especially before the transition week.
We would like you to send a note to school signed by a parent regarding any uniform item that your child will be missing on any given day.
Thank you very much for an amazing year.
Sasha Byrnes & Parminder Kaur
Year 9 Coordinators