GECPA Term 4
WOW! What a month!
Throughout what was a challenging time for so many including lockdowns, home schooling, essential outings, easing restrictions, vaccinations, return to on-site schooling and working from home - we got through it. Our kids got through it.
In fact, I recently read an interesting article about how secondary school students having high levels of self-efficacy – or belief in their own ability – may have helped them through this pandemic. Have a look: Students’ positive outlook may be key to coping with pandemic - Education Matters Magazine
At the end of October, we celebrated World Teachers Day (in Australia). I wanted to give a huge shout-out, again, to the amazing teachers and staff at GEC. GECPA picked up a basket of ‘individually wrapped’ goodies to express our thanks for all their hard work.
Our last committee meeting of the year (AGM) is scheduled for Thursday, 25th November 2021, at 6:30pm, with the venue yet to be confirmed. Come along and find out what GECPA is up to. We know that when we as parents and carers come together to partner with the College it provides a richer and more diverse learning experience for our children.
To attend our monthly committee meetings, AGM in November or if you missed the last round of email reminders contact us:
Nicole Bishop
Convenor, Glen Eira College Parents’ Association
Year 11 and 12 Maths - Scientific calculators collection
Are your students finishing with a scientific calculator at the end of the year and would like to donate it to the school? Please leave any spare scientific calculators at the school office after VCE exams so the Well-Being Coordinator can distribute to needy students. Please don’t let your students throw them in the bin as they are expensive and valuable for other students!
Sale of second hand text books and novels
Please offer your books to younger students at Glen Eira College or other schools or sell on Sustainable Books or Gumtree
Sustainable School Shop - Second hand Textbooks, Uniforms etc link on school website homepage
Please discourage your students from throwing textbooks in the bin or leaving them in lockers.
Buying Novels for next year - Brotherhood Books
The Brotherhood of St Laurence has a second hand bookshop online as a fundraiser for their work to end poverty. They sell novels but not text books. Buy 3 get free metro delivery.
2nd Hand Uniforms
Please donate your unwanted uniform items to the office as a donation to the school - families will not receive any payment for their items. Please ensure that all items are in reasonable condition and have been washed and dried before you bring them in. Please note that we cannot sell items that are no longer part of the college uniform, such as polar fleece jackets or the older-style all grey sports tops (sports tops in the current style - with red sleeves- are very welcome). We plan to run another uniform stall when covid safe.
Partners in Parenting Program – Looking at your teen’s mental wellbeing
We all know raising a teenager has its rewards and challenges, because of their rapid social and emotional development. This growth often comes with extreme highs and lows and that’s why researchers at Monash University and Prevention United have offered parents free access to Partners in Parenting (PiP+) program.
PiP+ is aimed at parents who have teenagers between the ages of 12-17 years old.
Parents find out more, or register at the PiP website here or email or call 0492 476 075 for more information.
The Parents Victoria Online Conference
The Parents Victoria Online Conference held on the 11 October 2021 was officially opened by the Minister for Education, James Merlino. The theme of the conference was “Recipe for Great Schools”
Find some of the topics discussed by clicking the links below:
- Ministers opening / Joan Kirner Award – watch here
- Caring through connection 2021 – watch here
- Definition of Complex developmental trauma
- The global impact of trauma
- How can we support our teachers?
Warning: this video contains discussion of childhood trauma.
- Collective Conversation on Consent
- Collective Conversation on Consent was introduced by Debbie Ollis, Associate Professor in Education at Deakin University where she teaches and researches in the fields of gender, respectful relationships and sexuality education – watch here
- Chanel Contos is a sexual assault activist, tutor and postgraduate student currently undertaking a Masters of Education, Gender and International Development and International Global Studies at the University College of London – watch here
- Katrina Marson is a lawyer and an advocate for Relationships & Sexuality Education – watch here
Warning: these videos include discussion of sexual assault.
Financial help for families
There are assistance programs available for families experiencing financial hardship, that can help you with school costs. (PAL) is the Education Department’s Policy and Advisory Library that has a directory of assistance programs for parents. Find the listings here
One of the programs listed is called Saver Plus which is delivered by not for profits. For more information on the program click here
Community Events
Getting Off Gas with Judith Lucy
An event of the Glen Eira Climate Action Network supporting Glen Eira Council initiatives for Glen Eira Community net zero GHG emissions by 2030.
Getting Off Gas with Judith Lucy Tickets, Wed 17/11/2021 at 7:30 pm | Eventbrite
The World Next Door Exhibition - Free
An Exhibition of the work of Naser Moradi - a young Hazara Afghani refugee man who has spent the last 6 years in MITA (Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation- Broadmeadows). To stay positive he began to draw and paint – becoming an inspiring and talented self-taught artist. Naser’s paintings are often in bright colours and include bright murals bringing some cheer to the walls at MITA – but they are still walls. He paints the City of Melbourne – a city he is a residents of but can’t walk around and enjoy.
Devotion Radiation Equation
Painting of thanks donated to the Royal Melbourne Hospital Nurses Station Covid Ward
The Mercy Hub 617 Nicholson St Carlton North
Tuesday 30-Thursday 2nd December 10.30-5.30,
Friday 3 December 5-8pm
Saturday 4 December 11-3 and 6-8pm
Sunday 5 December 11-4pm
National Gallery Victoria exhibitions
Maree Clarke: Ancestral Memories celebrates thirty years of work by Yorta Yorta/Wamba Wamba/Mutti Mutti/Boonwurrung woman Maree Clarke, a pivotal figure in the reclamation of south-east Australian Aboriginal art and cultural practice. Two suspended glass works, Ancestral memory I and II, are more recent works by Clarke and reference the migratory paths that short-finned eels take within sewers and underground waterways across and underneath Melbourne. During their journey from the tropics to Victorian waterways, the eels metamorphose into clear and tubular animals, before taking on their final pigmented form. Aboriginal people from the south-east have traditionally observed and interacted with eels as signs of seasonal change as well as sources of food. Clarke’s use of glass both literally and metaphorically draws attention to the fragility of south-eastern Aboriginal stories and the wildlife ecologies of these sacred and special animals and pushes audiences to think about how Indigenous knowledge can shape the future.
Golden Shells and the Gentle Mastery of Japanese Lacquer- The only known, complete example of kai-awase, a historical Japanese ‘shell matching’ game, will be housed at the NGV in 720 gilded clam-shaped shells, each beautifully hand-painted with Japanese and Australian flowers, are laid out in a spectacular and rare display. Traditionally, the inside of these shells were painted with matching scenes from classical Japanese literature. This contemporary edition of the game was produced by master lacquer artist Kitamura ‘Unryuan’ Tatsuo, who coordinated a team of more than forty artists and artisans from Wajima, Kyoto and other regions of Japan.
25 Nov 21 – 18 Apr 22NGV International St Kilda Road
Catherine McNaughton Editor, GECPA Newsletter
Contributors: Nicole Bishop, Tessa Spanneberg