Humanities News

Stock Market Game
The stock market game is an amazing way to experience the fun and joy of investing in different stocks while getting to avoid the pain of losing real money. For me, the best part of the stock market game is that it is constantly keeping up with the real stock market. This makes the stock market game the greatest way to get to learn more about the investing world as you know how you would have done if it were on the real market. I very much recommend to any student from GEC to join the Enterprise club! It runs every even Thursday but the stock market game turns into a daily activity. I would like to thank Ms Mattsson and Ms Kaur for granting everyone in the club such an incredible opportunity
James Katic
Year 8B
The Australian History Competition
Our year 8 students participated in the Australian History Competition earlier this year. The Competition was prepared by the History Teachers’ Association of Australia and run in conjunction with The Giant Classroom. The primary goal was to provide an interesting and challenging competition for students. The Year 7 and 8 paper was broadly based on the Australian Curriculum: History for years 7 and 8. It provided a quality resource that demonstrated approaches to the assessment of knowledge, skills and understandings.
Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding results:
High Distinction
David Scott
Hamish Leahy
Andrew Meldrum
Angus McNeill
Briony Glover
Constance Gaudey
Elodie Bisson-Gaskell
Ema Chadwick
Finn Malcolm
Harel Kent
Isaiah Starr
Jarvis Crawford
Oisin O'Riley
Sean Burke
Zachary Servadei
Abbeygael James
Akshya Ajbani
Alexander Tari
Amy Weintrob
Angus Fitzgibbon
Bailey Cormick
Byron Winter
Casper Agnew-Mildren
Dash Jordan
Emma Blair
Genevieve Salinas
Harper May
Hunter Bowman
Imogen Matthews
Jakob Sekker
Joshua Petersen
Joshua Smith
Kaylan Riha-Jones
Leonardo Ho
Leonora Karabelas
Mika Stankiewicz
Pierre Alla-Munikihaafata
Riley Shamai
Sai Pranav Bollapragada
Victor Casanovas Poblet
Zac Hnatko
Melanie Mattsson
Head of Humanities