House Points Competition

Throughout the year, Brunswick Secondary College students have had the opportunity to earn house points through participating in a range of school events and activities. These included the traditional sports carnivals, Theatre Sports, Ride2School days, virtual Cross Country, Literacy Day and Home Group Kahootz activities.
In addition, this year students were awarded house points for exemplifying Brunswick's values of respect, teamwork, persistence, responsibility, achievement and excellence.
Throughout the year, a tally of points has been kept, with regular updates being shared to the student community in regard to who was in the lead. It was close, with all houses being ahead at some point in the year! However there can only be one winner... And this year Oro House (gold) took the win with a whopping 2123 points!
Congratulations Oro, and thankyou to all who took part this year.
Which house will come out on top in 2022? We can't wait to find out!