Message from the Principal

In this issue you will read the round up on the good work completed by the Student Representative Council in 2021. In spite of disruption to the school year, this diligent team have completed some fabulous projects. We thank the 2021 Graduates who have contributed so much to the SRC, leading those in the junior ranks to ensure that Student Voice at BSC will remain strong and vibrant into the future.
We have also included work by students from across the English, Language and Visual Art & Design Learning Areas that illustrate the breadth and depth of talent present in the student community of our school. We are sure you will enjoy reading these articles and appreciate their work.
Another year has passed and we have said farewell the Graduates of 2021.
Until nearly the last minute, we were unsure as to whether we would be able to host a graduation event. Luckily we got to enjoy an evening where students, staff, parents and carers could celebrate together.
The wider community lent support to the event, and we extend our sincere gratitude to the many staff, parents and carers who supplied delicious catering for the event.
Year 7 2022 Orientation Day
Over 190 students were welcomed at the BSC Year 7 Orientation Day held on December 6 this year!
Our future Year 7 students were introduced to their Home Group teachers and enjoyed a day of classes and fun activities, making new friends, renewing old acquaintances and becoming more familiar with life and learning at BSC.
The day was very successful and enjoyed by all; we look forward to these students joining us 'full time' next year!
School Council
Many thanks to the members of the BSC School Council for their continued support and good work throughout 2021.
Most meetings were held via Webex (and sometimes fraught with IT glitches!). I
particularly acknowledge Rachael Ploenges (President) who has led the team, ensuring that it remained connected and inclusive throughout this difficult time.
Parents Association
Many thanks to our tireless Parent Association (PA) team, led by Kylie Moreland and Deb Gough, who hosted a very busy and very successful Second-Hand Uniform Sale on Orientation Day.
The PA provides excellent service to our community and we greatly appreciate their efforts, in this instance supplying quality second hand items for sale. In past years, the PA has run very successful Trivia Nights, made huge contributions to the annual Twilight Market, participated in Transition Information Sessions, launched social events, assisted with Production logistics and invited guest speakers to speak at Parent & Carer information evenings.
While the PA is not considered a fundraising body, any funds raised are directed toward specific school improvement projects as nominated by the Parent Association.
Any parent or carer who is interested in joining the PA team to support the school is welcome to contact Kylie Moreland for more information. Many hands make light work, and you can set your level of participation. More importantly, this is an excellent way to get to know other parents and increase your links within our school community.
The Parent Association surprised staff last Thursday with a delicious Morning Tea and gifts for all.
(Read more about The Best Kept Secret in Town on the next page.)
I take this opportunity on behalf of the staff of Brunswick Secondary College to say a HUGE thank you to all the families who contributed to this event and to Deb Gough and Kylie Moreland who coordinated it.
Extra points go to all for keeping the secret - staff were truly taken by surprise, and all were very moved by this enormous effort from our parent community.
Never have we felt more appreciated.... or more lucky to count ourselves as members of this extraordinary school community.
And finally...
Thank you all for your continued support over the past school year.
We look forward to the 2022 and wish all of our school community a safe and happy holiday season.