A message from Lauren

Acting Principal – St John's Footscray

 We’re all in the same storm, but not the same boat"


For our final newsletter, I am taking inspiration from Carley McGauran in last night's webinar, 'Starting School 2022: How your family can thrive, not just survive(highly recommend watching the replay link here - not just for families with children starting school.



We engaged Carley and Marty from ‘Inform and Empower’ (psychology services) to host an information evening for families of our Prep 2022 children and she had some great information on the brain I’d love to share.


Carley talked about how our brains thrive on predictability and routine to feel safe. Our first time COVID positive cases in our school have interrupted this predictability and routine of usual school life. As a response to this, our brains may feel under threat and consequently create a sense of anxiety. If you or members of your family are feeling a sense of anxiety or unease - these are normal feelings. During this uncertain time, please be led by your family’s needs. This will look different for different families. St. John’s staff are here to support your family in any way we can. I encourage you to get in touch with us if your family needs additional or different support.



Please see the next tab in the newsletter: 'COVID-19 update' for information about our approach to managing the recent COVID-19 cases at St. John's.



Staffing 2022

It’s no secret that we have an amazing team at St. John’s. This is strengthened, transformed and grown each year when we welcome new perspectives and experiences to our school. We are excited to announce some new staff joining us in 2022. I trust you will make them feel very welcome with our usual St. John’s care and love.


We welcome Karen Dodemaide to St. John’s as Co-Deputy Principal and Wellbeing next year. Karen has plenty of experience in education and has worked as a Religious Education Leader for the last four years. She has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration and has a passion for promoting children’s voice and active engagement through a child centred approach.


We welcome Melissa Pepi to St. John’s in an educator role. Mel has a number of years experience in education and is inspired by her passion for creating inclusive learning environments. She will be working with the 1 Hub next year.


We welcome Rosanna Williams to St. John’s in an educator role. Rosie is a Graduate teacher who prides herself on creating learning spaces that are full of fun, excitement and cultivate a passion for learning. She will be working with the 3/4 Hub next year.


Keep an eye out for all staff bios to go up on our website in the coming weeks!!


Some of our existing staff have decided to continue their learning journeys in different educational settings in 2022. We know this will help them to keep growing, be challenged and spread their knowledge and expertise with other school communities. We wish Jarryd Bradford, Lisa Thorneycroft, Bridget O’Connor and Haley O'Meara all the best in their new chapters and look forward to hearing about their new learnings. Your new school communities are very fortunate to have you.


Communication about educators in each Hub for 2022 will be sent out next week.


School Photos update

We are excited to announce that our 2022 School Photos will be emailed out to families next week.


2022 Prep orientations

We have warmly welcomed our group of 2022 Preps into our school over three orientation sessions. They were able to show their courage and openness to try new things and get to know new people. (Something us as adults sometimes have trouble with!) This was a beautiful example of our St. John’s Horizon being lived out.


Thank you to Chevon and Ashlee (Kinder transition leaders) for helping to coordinate all child and family events and resources.



1/2 Dinner

Our 1/2 Hubs were able to participate in their camp program with the 1/2 dinner on Thursday 25th November. This involved children undertaking responsibilities for preparing and organising a meal.

Thank you to our amazing educators, Lien, Erin, Kerri, Molly, Dana and Nicki who organised and enabled this experience to happen. 




Staff and families were fortunate enough to be able to attend the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation for our 6 St. John’s candidates on Monday 29th November at Our Lady’s Parish. Our children reaffirmed their commitment to the journey their parents embarked on when they were Baptised. We are looking forward to continuing to support them to live out the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives.

Thank you to Mitchell, Michele, Jackie and Eileen for the conversations and discussions you have had with the children to help them to understand this commitment and what it means for them as a citizen of today.



End of year celebrations

Please see the 'Important Dates' section of the newsletter for the Assemblies and Liturgies that are remaining for the term. Families are invited to attend these in Joan’s Yard and they will be cancelled/postponed if it is raining/wet.

Excitedly, our St. John’s Christmas Carols video will be sent out via Seesaw next week for your family to enjoy together (Friday movie night!?).



With only two weeks of school left for the year, and the last newsletter for the year, we want to take the opportunity to wish you and your family a safe, recharging and restful break over Christmas and the school holidays.


It has been a privilege to lead this amazing community of staff, families and children over the past 6 weeks as Acting Principal. I have appreciated all the perspectives, feedback and communication from you all.


We look forward to seeing you back in 2022.


Take care and stay safe,

Lauren Davis