International Students

Homestay Bake-Off
Winners Announced!
Over the past few editions of the College newsletter, we've been providing you with updates about the tasty treats created by our International students as part of the Homestay Bake-Off competition, organized by the International Education Division.
The Homestay bake-off competition is very popular and was held from Monday, 4th October to Friday 5th November. Onshore international students were asked to bake a dessert with their homestay family, according to the theme of the fortnight: Western desert, Cultural dessert and Creative dessert.
During these 3 rounds of competition, our international student have had success!
- Mike CAI and his homestay family won Round 1
- Henry HOU and his homestay family came 2nd in Round 2
A big CONGRATULATIONS Mike and Henry!
Homework Club
On the 27th October we ran the 7th Homework Club online. At this session we talked about Shopping online. Four students joined the club. We looked at: Shopping at the store and
Shopping Online / on the internet.
Part One
- What are some of your favourite websites for buying clothes online?
- How often do you buy clothes online?
- Are there any websites you would recommend staying away from? Why?
Part Two comparing two websites
How does it compare with Amazon?
- Until recently I would have said Amazon is better without a doubt.
- Until recently I would have said Amazon is definitely better.
- AliExpress often has products that you can’t get hold of on other websites.
What is their customer service like?
- With AliExpress, the delivery times are not the best.
- With AliExpress, the delivery times are not so bad.
- With AliExpress, the delivery times could be better.
Part Three You Talk
Which websites do you usually use for buying stationary? How do they compare?
- When I need to buy stationary products, I usually use a website called XXX. They don’t have as many…. But the process are great, and they …..
When was the last time you bought stationary products? How did you decide which website to buy it from? Were you a satisfied customer? Why (Why not)?
- The last time I bought …on … was about … ago. I couldn’t find the product on any other website, and it arrived safe and sound after only … I was a very satisfied customer.
Useful words for talking about shopping
- They have a huge range of clothes.
- The prices are very reasonable.
- Their customer service is a nightmare.
- The quality has been going downhill.
Sally Huang
Director of International Student Program