SEL Awards

Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions parents/guardians are not able to attend assembly until further notice.  

Please Note: Your child's teacher will contact you to let you know if your child is receiving an award and the teacher will take a photo and send it via Seesaw. 

We appreciate your understanding with this.


Finn FJT- For your commitment to being an amazing writer.


Daisy FMM- For showing curiosity and commitment in SMART spelling- your dictated sentence each week has really improved and demonstrates you have been working so hard on your learning goals. Well done!


Jack FMM- For showing greater self- awareness in respecting others’ bubbles and making such great decisions which has impacted your learning and friendships. Amazing work!


Ovie FMK- For collaboration and being a good learning friend by always working with others in a kind and helpful way. Well done Ovie!


Harry FMK- For the wonderful commitment he has shown to doing his very best handwriting. Well done Harry!


Hamish FMK- For his confidence he has shown in reading, resulting in amazing growth. Well done Hamish!


Alfie FJR- For being a wonderful OGPS citizen who really cares about the school! 


Hugh 1MJ- For being extremely committed to his learning since returning from his holiday and moving up 6 levels in his reading. Great work Hugh! 


Grace 1JC- For responsible decision making in the classroom


Summer 1KD- For being a compassionate friend and always caring for others.


Ned 1SB- For confidently using his reading comprehension strategies.


Bella 2JC- Creativity. You have used great voice and creative ideas in your draft for your travel brochure. Well done Bella!


Lulu 2EM- For working really hard on her relationship skills and being a kind friend.


Sonny 2MH- For believing in himself and completing tasks with confidence.


Abigail 2KM- For commitment to her learning goals.


Hamish 3CS- For demonstrating a growth mindset during independent tasks, especially during writing. He is always seeking new information to improve his stories. Well done Hamish!


Austin 3DH- For demonstrating outstanding relationship skills and creating some fantastic friendships since starting at OGPS.


Kai 3EP- For his compassion. Kai was such a supportive friend last week when he noticed a classmate who was nervous about the concert. He supported him the whole day and made sure he was OK. Well done for always looking out for everyone around you Kai!  


Grace 3GL- For being a compassionate and supportive friend. Congratulations Grace!



ZahZah  4AL- For the commitment and enthusiasm she has shown towards her learning tasks. 


Ethan 4JD- For being an excellent friend and building on his relationship skills throughout 2021.


Ava 4JD-For being a really good friend by respecting everyone and embracing the differences in people.


VV Evans- For his work ethic in completing his travel project


Carla 4AG- For showing a growth mindset and commitment to her learning. Great work Carla!


Finn 5KP-  For demonstrating commitment in all areas of his learning. 


Phoebe 5CM- For being creative and passionate about her Art work and Shark Tank project, brilliant effort.


Jedah 5AA- Commitment - improving commitment to all learning tasks and showing a growth mindset


Holly 6BC-For always looking for ways to help others.


 Nahoa 6CE- For displaying great commitment to all learning tasks.


Owain 6MR-  For his positivity and smiles during our week of surfing. Thanks for all the fun! 


Otis 6RF- For the compassion he showed towards the foundation students this week.