Principal News


Dear Sacred Heart Community


Last Friday was World Teachers' Day. Yesterday we had a morning tea to acknowledge the great work teachers do not just at Sacred Heart but across all schools both primary and secondary. 


I did not start my teaching career until I was 26 years old, having done some other study and working in the field in which I qualified. My nearly 34 years in education have been the most rewarding experience, as I have meet so many magnificent students and families during my journey. As I have journeyed across six northern suburbs catholic primary schools, and now returned to the school where I commenced my teaching career, I have consistently co-shared experiences with my teaching colleagues that reinforce my understanding, that teaching is not a job but is a great vocation. It is a privileged role that gives so much satisfaction in the every day experiences of being in a school.


Some Staff Reflections

I chose teaching because I believe that it is one of the most rewarding professions. 

I wanted to make a difference in the lives of students as well as giving them the tools to live happy and productive lives. (Marie)


I chose teaching as a career as I wanted to share with children such as the fantastic students at Sacred Heart the joy to be had from learning about the world and how best we can live in it. It is a privilege to play some part in making a difference in a student's life and learning adventure. (Ann)


Although I have taught at a number of schools, Sacred Heart is fast becoming a favourite work place of mine! Every school has their strengths and areas to improve, and over the past 10 months I am in awe of the inclusive, generous and super friendly community of Sacred Heart- students, parents and teachers alike! It really is a special community to be part of. (Jessica)


My favourite aspect of teaching is when I see curious students asking questions to learn new things. I also love to see the students smiling, pleased with themselves when they finally get something that they didn't know before, that light bulb moment. (Denise)


I enjoy teaching at Sacred Heart because the students and staff are so kind and welcoming, it is such a supportive and positive community - it is like a big family. (Amanda)


I was inspired by a teacher who taught my brother and, amongst other things, had a pond built in the classroom for the ducklings she had hatched with the class. That shared joy and wonder that my brother and his friends experienced in following that learning journey inspired me and has allowed me to share some amazing times with students, parents and some wonderful colleagues. (Liz)


It’s the ‘aha’ moments that I love most. When I see a student’s face light up, their puzzled look turn into a smile and their eagerness to share their new understandings/ideas with their peers. As you walk through the corridors of Sacred Heart, you can see, hear and feel these moments happening everyday. It’s the best! (Bethany)


I was inspired to become a teacher after having a truly wonderful teacher in 4 different levels in my primary school years - she was caring, funny, hard working and so creative! I am lucky to say that I've had the chance to tell her that personally as she is now retired and lives next door to my parents. I love teaching at Sacred Heart as the children are full of enthusiasm for music and their own learning discoveries. (Kate)


Some Student Reflections

I like learning with her (Olivia Year Prep)

When she shows us maths games I like her (Eklavya Year Prep)


She is very kind, she helps me with my work (Kushi Year One)

Sometimes she lets me paly with new things (Brenton Year One)


She teaches me lots of things and she is kind (Veer Year Two)

She teaches us new things so we can know everything in the future (Harper Year Three)

She helps when I really need it. She helps with examples that are really good (Bhavin)


She is the kindest human being on this earth (Ria Year Five)

She is very kind and caring and helps me when I need help (Ankita Year Six)



School Board

The governance of Sacred Heart Primary School is undertaken by the Principal under the direction of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Limited. The parish education board (PEB) provides advice to the principal within the context of its Constitution and the school’s vision.

Some of the responsibilities of Sacred Heart Primary School’s PEB include:

Promoting the Catholic ethos of the school and to support its Religious Education programs

Contribute to the Sacred Heart Primary School’s School Improvement Plan/Annual Action Plan

Provide advice towards the selection and determination of appropriate policies in accordance with the school improvement plan, in consultation with appropriate parties that will assist the parish priest, principal and staff in working towards the objectives of the school

Plan for the future of the Sacred Heart Primary School and its ability to accommodate future enrolments

Provide advice on budget planning and finance-related matters where appropriate, taking account of the goals and directions of the school as set out in the school’s Vision Statement and School Improvement Framework


The PEB is composed of members who appreciate, value and share the educational mission and ethos of Sacred Heart Primary School.


On Tuesday 30th November we will hold our Annual General Meeting in the staff room commencing at 7.15pm. All interested parents and guardians are warmly welcomed to attend.


Lunch Orders

Lunch orders with the Parade Preston Campus canteen begin tomorrow Friday 5th November. A reminder that orders need to be written on a paper bag along with the student's name and class. Whilst normally orders need to be at school by Thursday, we will accept orders in the morning just on this occasion. The following students have orders to be filled from before our previous school closure.

Year 6 Sylvie, Nicola and Josh

Year 4 Chen

Year 1 Shamus, Annabelle and Kushi


School Fees

All families will have received their Term Four school fees. Already these past two weeks, we have had a number of parents ring and drop in to pay their child's fees and for this we are most grateful. I ask that you please fulfill your financial commitment to our school by Friday 12th November. We have also had a number of families commit to the direct debit method of paying fees in 2022 and beyond.


Covid Protocols

I would like to take this opportunity to let all parents and guardians know, that as of this week, all our staff are double vaccinated. To avoid congestion on the footpath outside the school of an evening and morning, we will allow parents and guardians into the yard but ask that they continue to wear a face mask. We ask that parents and guardians continue to limit visits inside the school building to matters that require face to face conversation.


Please take care.


Yours Sincerely

Mark Tierney
