Basketball Academy

CHS Basketball Academy
I’m very happy with what we were able to achieve this year, despite the obvious setbacks. We learned a lot about ourselves and what works. The growth in confidence and self esteem, matched with the improved skills of our students, lets us know we have a winning formula. I’m looking forward to next year and the years to come. The goal is to make the overall high school experience much more enjoyable for our student athletes. Thank you to the staff members who gave us the support we needed throughout the year.
Mike Torres
Founder and Director
At the start of the year I started to play basketball seriously for the first time in my life, and at the same time I was introduced to the academy. I starting training with the teams 3 times a week and started to see improvement, throughout the year my love and passion for basketball has grown higher than I believed it could and that is thanks to Mike and Michael. The motivation and commitment towards my growth on and off the basketball court have been huge motivators for me and have propelled to make me want to be a better person and player,Thank you to Mike and Michael for all the motivation and support over the past year, I know me and my teammates have benefited greatly from it.
Gus C - Class of '25
Coburg High Basketball Academy has upgraded and improved my basketball in many ways. The shooting and weight sessions all through the week has improved my love for the game as well as the many tournaments we played in , has made me more determined to become a better player and achieve my goals in basketball. The Academy has meant a lot for me this year as it brought me and my teammates closer together as a family as we got to go to school and get our work in on the court together as well.
Jimi G Class of '22
Personally, the CHS Basketball Academy has been an outlet for me. Before and after school you have this personal time to focus on yourself and the game you love. With the involvement of all athletes comes routine, discipline, commitment, independence, motivation and determination. Both on and off the court it shapes individuals to become their true self with rights and responsibilities and personal morals; values and beliefs, a purpose of life. As an athlete you develop a work life balance. Even though basketball is based around physical skill development the academy has more than one dimension. To me the most important part is the spiritual aspect and the positive environment of the academy. Each athlete is supported and encouraged to pursue their future pathways. A sense of belonging is really represented.
Chanel K Class of '23
The Coburg basketball academy has been a new experience that I have enjoyed throughout the whole year thanks to the coaches and all the students involved. I realised during the earlier trainings that there are certain base skills that I lacked that was stopping me from playing my best but thanks to the academy, my overall ability to play has improved by filling in those gaps and building on those skills. The academy also helped with my organisation and time management. Although at first it was hard to wake up for the early trainings, it encouraged me to be more organised and better my sleep schedule. I’ve made many new friends from different year levels who I have fun playing with and hope to stay friends for the years to come. Special thanks to the coaches for keeping up training during lockdown.
Lily M Class of '24