Year 7

Student Report
There is no doubt that our fellow Year 7s and I have had quite a rough year along with all secondary school attendees. We have had interrupted schooling which has prevented many fun activities that in normal circumstances occur each year. We have, however, been lucky enough to participate in two fantastic experiences: the Cultural Crusade; and the Year 7 Home Group Day Out.
The Cultural Crusade project looked at the ways in which to improve our school’s culture. In the last few weeks Year 7 home groups have been working on videos aimed at addressing a range of problems, including racism, littering, and road safety. From this starting point, all Year 7 put their ideas into these videos, creating some impressive short films.
For the Year 7 Home Group Day Out, each class took a poll on a selected range of activities such as Latitude, Laser Tag and Bowling. I was fortunate enough to go to Latitude where we participated in multiple activities like, rock climbing, free bouncing, dodgeball and the crowd favourite, slam dunking on trampolines.
All in all the last few weeks have been full of memorable moments, to the point where online learning now feels like a distant memory. We've been bouncing on trampolines, bowled strikes and created a range of persuasive videos to prevent some of the biggest issues facing schools and society. Well done Year 7’s. Bring on Year 8!
Noah W