Student of the Week

Empowering Global Citizens

  Monday 8th November 2021

Student NameGrade Comments
Kai01AAlways being willing to help your classmates when you can see they need it. We love the way you step up and offer to help and support your peers. Keep it up! 
Mourad02AFor co-operating with  and listening to his team members opinions during group work in Numeracy. Well done Mourad.
Nadia03AFor fabulous team work Nadia. You demonstrated the ability to be both patient and helpful while you and your partner played the multiplication arrays games. Congratulations Nadia!
Muhammad03BFor working co-operatively with everyone since we have returned to our classroom. Keep up the great teamwork Muhammad!
Aisha04ADemonstrating the value of Teamwork whilst we are returning to School and continuing to work well with her class members. 
Joshua04CDemonstrating the value of teamwork. Joshua is always respectful when participating in group activities. He listens to others, shares his ideas and makes a considered judgement. Well done, Joshua
Claudia06ADemonstrating the value of Teamwork by sharing her learning with her peers through a presentation she did on 'Migration to Australia'.  Well done Claudia, great work!  Brilliant & very brave!
Noah06BFor consistently demonstrating teamwork by collaborating positively, sharing ideas and presenting his learning with confidence.
Monique06CFor your friendly and helpful attitude towards peers and teachers. Congratulations on demonstrating the value of Teamwork in all of your dealings at school. Well done, Monique.

Monday 15th November 2021

Student NameGradeComments
Timothy00ADemonstrating the value of learning by writing an information report on fruit. Great job Timothy! 
Liosha00BFor always coming to school with an enthusiastic attitude for learning. Well done for trying your best and always having ago when completing set tasks Liosha.
Sasha01AFor independently writing descriptive sentences for her explanation text and for consistently trying her best in all curriculum areas. Keep up the great effort Sasha!
Madison01BFor being a superstar in all aspects of your learning. You have gained so much confidence in the classroom and have challenged yourself to improve. Keep up the amazing effort!
Maylee02AFor putting in maximum effort into her reading and understanding of the text. Keep up the great effort Maylee.
Zamaima02BFor putting maximum effort with all your work, especially during writing. Keep it up the good work Zamaima! 
Marcus03AFor remaining focused during class time and putting in maximum effort while completing reading tasks this week. Congratulations Marcus!
Ranveer03BFor listening with purpose when in class discussions and for beginning to ask questions to be able to assist his learning. It is great to have you back in the classroom Ranveer! 
Kashaf04ADemonstrating the value of Learning by showing enthusiasm as she generates questions for our Inquiry learning about Climate change. Keep up the great work!
Mia Rose04BFor working extremely hard during the challenges of remote learning, to excel in her comprehension of texts and reading fluency.Excellent work and very well done Mia. 
Riley04CDemonstrating the value of learning. Since returning from remote learning Riley has shown an increased interest in learning. His fraction work, demonstrating what he knew about halves, quarters and eighths was original and showed that he had understood the concepts. 
Yasmin05AFor taking responsibility for her learning by attending all online classes and ensuring her work is uploaded to showbie on time.
Bryan06ADemonstrating a positive attitude toward his learning by taking it further and always completing his set work on time and handing it in with a smile.  Great work Bryan!
Julius06BDemonstrating a love of learning and a strong, positive mindset.  Thank you Julius, for also sharing your creative ideas so generously. 
Lucas06C For always working cooperatively to get his work completed. Well done, Lucas.