



Italian Language & Culture

Prep, Year 1 and 2 are learning to identify and pronounce weather in Italian.  The students in Year 1 and 2 have made a weather audio book titled ‘Che tempo fa?’



Year 3 discovered how to make ‘GELATO al limone’ (Lemon Gelato).  The students used four ingredients- lemons, egg whites, sugar and water.

The students also took a photo of our first ‘PAPAVERO ’ (Poppy) in our vegetable garden on Remembrance Day.



Year 4 are learning to propagate Italian food seeds and keeping a diary of the seedling’s growth.



Year 5 sent their Italian letters to their Pen Pals at Manorvale PS and will be waiting for a response back in Italian.

Year 6 are making comics about ordering food and are learning to describe the weather in different cities.


Renata Cugliari 

Language (Italian) Teacher