What's happening in our classrooms 


Grade Prep 


Last Thursday, the grade preps were finally able to celebrate 100 days of learning at school - onsite! The kids fast tracked to the future as they dressed up beyond their years. It was a day filled with fun learning, as they applied their number skills to represent quantities of 100.

As the students have settled into learning back at school this term, we have been very lucky to have our English Consultant – Stephen Graham revisit the school to implement ‘Spelling’ in our literacy block. For writing, students are extending their descriptive writing to construct information reports. Our reading focus this term is comprehension and in our lessons, we have explored using text clues to answer literal questions, inferring character’s feelings and how they change as well as synthesizing prior knowledge to new learning after reading. We encourage that students continue to read at home daily, practicing their sight words, and having rich discussions before, during, and after reading.

In our mathematics sessions, we are consolidating our teen numbers through manipulating concrete materials and representing numbers in various ways. They are also enjoying collecting data and representing information using picture graphs. It has been great to see the students utilising the rich mathematical resources available at school. In the classroom the students have demonstrated their ability to apply their number skills by being practical and hands on, working independently, in pairs, and in group settings to problem solve.

The preps have been very excited and engaged in our inquiry lessons this term as we investigate about toys. This means that they have been able to play with various types of toys, exploring its function and purpose. In the classroom we ask questions like “how does this toy work?”, “what is it used for?”, “how have toys changed over the years?” to delve deep into rich discussions and ideas. You’ll be very surprised with what these little minds know! It is going to be a busy term of fun learning for these little resilient learners!