Some of the students who received awards at the Mathematics Awards Luncheon

Students celebrated their successes in the application of mathematics on December the 1st, when we held our annual awards luncheon. 75 students who achieved extra-ordinary results in one or more competitions held throughout the year were invited to attend. The number of students who successfully participated was far greater, which was an outstanding endorsement for the higher level thinking cultivated at Kew High School. Awards were presented for The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition, The Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians and the Australian Mathematics Competition.

Year Nine students apply the properties of parallelograms to create a folding toolbox
Year Nine students apply the properties of parallelograms to create a folding toolbox

Students in Year Nine also recently took part in a trial of activities as part of the reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry program, which is a national program managed by the Australian Academy of Science, together with the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers. The program seeks to help students learn maths in innovative and engaging ways that help students solve real world problems using mathematics. Students investigated how the properties of simple geometric shapes made them useful in a variety of applications, such as in an umbrella, car jack or tool box.


Chris Paragreen

Maths Coordinator