Every year Ms Doyle and the Transition coordinators ask the current year sevens to go back to their old primary school to talk to and help the year sixes have a smooth transition into high school. To apply, we all had to write about why we would be the best student to talk to them. There were five students selected for each of the feeder schools: Bishaaro Faarax, Mia Sagar, Will Stevens, Ava McDermott and I (Dylan Lumsden).
We had multiple lessons with Ms Doyle to help improve our public speaking skills and prepare our speeches. We were all really nervous to start with, but by the end we were all feeling like professionals. It was so enjoyable to be able to go back to our old schools and reminisce about all the fun times we had there. We got to say ‘Hi’ to previous teachers, see our siblings and see how the school has changed over the past year. I remember when the year sevens and Kew High came to my primary school last year. Their talk was extremely beneficial and I hope the year sixes felt the same way as I did.
Ava talked and gave helpful tips about C.AT management. I talked about the many leadership and co-curricular activities we offer at Kew. Will talked about the many sport opportunities. Bishaaro taught them all about uniforms and organisation. Finally, Mia talked to them about making new friends at a school. Even though the year sixes got told a massive amount of information in five speeches, they always had more questions to ask us. It always took the year sixes a couple of questions to warm up but after that they were full of questions to ask us.
It was a little bit nerve racking going back and talking to the year sixes especially from your own primary school, because you weren’t just talking in front of strangers. Overall it was a great experience and thank you to Ms Doyle who has done a great job helping us to learn and grow from the experience as well as us being able to teach and help the year sixes have a great transition into high school life.
Dylan Lumsden 7B