The Wonders of Japanese Culture
From the 8 – 23 September 14 students from various year levels including me, went to Japan and came back with stories to tell. I stayed with a host family of five who cared for and treated me like their own. A funny thing was that my last name’s Ruiz and the children’s names were Rui, Ruria and Ruki.
After spending a week with our host families we set out to visit many museums, shopping departments and ancient temples. Traveling to many places like Hiroshima, Kyoto, Tokyo and Soja city we all improved and immersed ourselves in the wonders and sensations of Japanese culture. The climate was rather humid and hot which added to the sense of a different country. Being humid also meant there were torrential downpours creating puddles as big as lakes in our shoes.
Surrounding oneself with another’s mother tongue is a great way to boost your language skills and it helped me develop my cultural understanding of Japan. I thank the people that helped create, improve and develop this trip and I recommend it to students who have an interest in Japan or Japanese culture.
Josh Ruiz 8B