Abuzz with Engagement
Our Health and Physical Education (HAPE) classrooms have been abuzz with all students continuing to engage themselves in interesting and challenging learning activities.
Our Year 7 students explored the topic Legal Drugs, with a particular focus on smoking, by creating anti-smoking campaigns designed to discourage people from beginning to smoke. A new unit called Think Safe, Be Safe was delivered to our Year 8 Health students, making them aware of ways they can be safe in a number of different contexts – party safe, cyber safe, drug safe and physically safe. Both our Year 7 and Year 8 students have been involved in the Swim and Survive program at Boroondara Sports Complex, where they have been gaining water safety skills and understanding how to look after themselves in the water.
The Year 9 students have been exploring the strategies involved with Net/Wall games, including volleyball, table tennis, badminton and travelling to Eaglemont Tennis Club to partake in two tennis lessons run by qualified tennis coaches. In their classroom based lessons, the students have continued to explore bodies, by completing the Body System unit.
Penelope Cleghorn
HAPE Coordinator