Child Safety
The Government’s response to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse has resulted in Ministerial Order 870. The Inquiry’s betrayal of trust report made a number of recommendations aimed at protecting children from all forms of neglect and abuse. As a result, minimum standards were set for maintaining child safe environments. The emphasis by the Department of Education on child safety and the new standards, has encouraged us to look at our approaches in this area. We conducted a self-evaluation and as a result prepared a range of documents and introduced further practices and processes into the school to ensure that we are compliant in the first instance, though of course it is about far more than compliance.
Kew High School has a Child Safe Policy, a statement of Commitment to Child Safety and a Code of Conduct. They are intended to complement child protection legislation, Department policy, school policies and procedures and professional standards, and codes or ethics as these apply to staff and other personnel. The aim is to protect children and reduce any opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur and to assist all members of our community in understanding how to avoid or better manage risky behaviours and situations.
Kew High is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our children and young people. Our school community recognises the importance of and a responsibility for ensuring our school is a safe, supportive and enriching environment which respects and fosters the dignity and self-esteem of children and young people and enables them to thrive in their learning and development. Our policies articulate what are acceptable and not acceptable behaviours in this regard.
The policies and information are available on our web site. In 2017, the school will further communicate our expectations and involve students, staff and the community in discussions, thus ensuring Kew High School continues to offer a supportive and secure environment.
Clare Entwisle