Education In Faith 

Sacrament of Eucharist 

The Sacrament of First Eucharist will take place  on Tuesday 14th December at 7:30pm in the Church.


Information relating to any of the above information  please contact the 

Parish on 03 9546 3831 




The Advent Season

During Advent, we are invited to a real encounter with Jesus. It is a time to wake up and to rediscover our joy in life. It is a time to practice the words of Mary, ‘Let it be’, and to be open to what adventures may come our way. We become more aware of God’s presence in the hidden places of our world, in ourselves, and in the people around us. Can we be signposts lighting the path for others?


The Parish have formulated an Advent 2021 Self- Care Calendar which is attached below.  Each day a simple challenge is set for us where we are asked to think of, pray for or do something that makes the lives of those around us a little better.