Around the school

Father's Day Stall

Thursday 3 September – students who purchased gift will be given a ticket/s to select a gift/s for their dad/important male figure for Father’s Day. 

Pupil Free Day

When our school calendar was devised at the start of the year, we, of course, had no idea of the chaos we would be thrown into! A number of our school events have been cancelled, others modified and others not compromised at all. A pupil free day was designated for Friday 4th September, which was to have been ‘Show Day’. As we know, the Show has been cancelled for the year. However, we are still planning to hold this day as a pupil free day as it had been planned to use this as professional learning day for staff (Endeavour College and Good Shepherd are also designating this as pupil free). GGOSH will be available (with limits capped). 

Volunteers needed

The canteen is in need of volunteers. We currently have one parent who helps out. It would be fantastic if we could get a few more. Even if you can fill in from time to time for an hour or two; each hour of help makes a difference.

Sports Day

Sports day essential are offering parents and caregivers free shipping by ordering sports day items which also benefit our school. For more information, head over to the sports day essentials fundraiser page on our website.

Sports Day Stall

This year, due to COVID-19, there will be no P & F Stall on Sports Day. Please send your child/ren with recess and lunch. Cafe Connect will be open.