
I love to cook and during holidays, I indulge in spending time in the kitchen trying out new recipes and recreating old favourites! One of my key ingredients is salt although, for many years, I did not add much at all to my savoury dishes. Now, I enjoy the extra flavour it gives to food and I am all for enhanced flavour.


When Jesus was preaching during the Sermon on the Mount, he said:

‘You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.’ 
Matthew 5:13


When Jesus was talking about salt, many believe that he was thinking about salt’s ability to add flavour and to preserve. Some people believe that Jesus was thinking that Christians give hope within the world as they provide and see a positive future. The warning from Jesus is to stay positive and to continue to provide hope so we do not lose our ‘flavour’.

There are so many ways to continue to keep faith alive and retain that saltiness that Jesus talked about. We can read God’s Word, take part in worship, take communion, pray and through all of these, be blessed. In this way, we can continue to grow our faith and be salt and light to others.


Jayne Zadow                                                                                                                                                PYP Coordinator