Sport and PE Report

Term 4 PE

Welcome to Term 4 PE! We are so excited that we can now work face-to-face with our wonderful students.


Due to restrictions enforced by the Department of Education and Training, physical activity participation must be non-contact and outdoors. Therefore, after planning to run a gymnastics program to commence the term, students will be doing the following:


Foundation - Throwing and Catching Skills

Year 1/2 - Two Hand Side-Arm Strike (Teeball and Cricket)

Year 3/4 - Striking and Fielding Games

Year 5/6 - Striking and Fielding Games


BPPS House Fitness Challenge

A huge thank-you to all of the families who participated in the BPPS House Fitness Challenge during remote learning. I really hope you enjoyed the opportunity to earn some house points whilst getting active. All of the results can be found on the website.


Here are the results for Weeks 10 and Holidays, as well as the overall results!

Week 10 and Holidays


BPPS House Fitness Challenge - Overall Points




Congratulations to Attunga for winning the BPPS House Fitness Competition. I hope that all families continue to stay active and that we can return to community sport soon.


Cameron Batt

BPPS PE Teacher and Sport Coordinator