From the Team 3/4 Classrooms


Term 3 was a huge term of learning for many, many reasons and the students in Years 3 and 4 did a sterling job organizing themselves and completing the learning activities each school day!


To finish the term, students reflected on the previous 9 weeks and thought about all that had happened in their home as well as the community around them. To inspire them and help them think, they watched ‘Behind the News’ and learned about the ‘Thank You Project.’


The Thank You Project is giving Australian students the opportunity to say thanks to someone who’s been essential to them during the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, kids across Australia have sent nearly 50,000 letters to hospitals, nurses, doctors, delivery drivers, police, teachers, grocery store workers, politicians and more.


The students in Years 3 and 4 each wrote a letter and gave them to or sent them to the person they had written to over the holidays. Letters were written to a variety of people including parents, grandparents, teachers, healthcare workers and chemist shop workers to name a few.


Take your time to read some of the letters below and how lovely it is that even through what has been a difficult few months for so many in the Victorian community, acts of kindness like ‘thank you letters’ continue to warm people’s hearts and create smiles!


Well done Year 3 and 4 students. Your positivity and the determination you have shown during Term 3 is commendable.