Active Travel 

Keep active as we all head back to school.


How exciting that we are all back at school!! I am so happy, though I am a little concerned that I will miss one of the things I have enjoyed about remote learning – walking and riding my bike! Rain hail or shine, I managed to go walking each day with my family and also enjoyed some quiet yoga and stretching.


As we all head back into a ‘new normal’ routine, I am planning to make sure I keep up my active routine. 


A great way and opportunity to continue 'keeping active' each day is to consider walking, scootering, skating or riding to school. 


Not only will this help you keep active, it will also assist keeping traffic congestion around the school to a minimum during the drop off and pick up times. In turn, this makes it safer for the students (and parents) as they walk, ride or skate to school.


Many students I know travel from neighbouring suburbs and it isn’t possible to walk or ride. An alternative for you would be to park a block or two away from the school and then walk the rest of the way. As everyone needs to enter through a specific gate, park a block away from that gate.


Walk and Wheel Wednesday, that has been in hibernation for two terms started back this week and as always there is a poem. I hope you enjoy this week’s poem:-


Autumn and Winter have passed us by …

Spring is now here and so are the blue skies!


The days are getting longer with the sun setting after eight

But thankfully the mornings are still bright, making it easy for us to wake!


This is the perfect season to maintain our active routines

Doing something each day, keeping us fit like jumping beans!


And as we get back into the groove of school

Walking and wheeling in the morning is still super cool!


Start your day active and enjoy the crisp morning air

And remember to have on some comfortable footwear.



Stay well everyone, stay safe and stay active!






Some active photos during off-site learning! If you do have any active photos that you are happy to have published in the next newsletter, please email them to me at

Rani 3RP and Eva 3JT skateboarding
Mrs Tainsh about to head out riding
Walking through Collingwood Children's Farm
Rani 3RP and Eva 3JT skateboarding
Mrs Tainsh about to head out riding
Walking through Collingwood Children's Farm