Extra Curricular & Well being 

R U OK? Day

Wear it Purple Day

7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths
7A Measuring in Maths

Students raised $325 for Wear It Purple Day!

S.E.A News

S.E.A is proud to announce that we were able to raise $340 during our bake sale on August 14.  Sea Sheperd, an organisation dedicated to the defence, conservation and protection of our oceans, will receive a $200 donation and the extra funds will go towards on-going projects, including a tap filter system for a water conservation initiative as well as new compost bins for our fantastic school garden.

Over the past term, senior S.E.A members have been researching and creating an engaging presentation about bees, with the aim of increasing awareness of their importance to natural ecosystems. This is an ongoing project that will include a power-point, a video from Ms. Manton about her own hives and an interactive quiz.

S.E.A has also continued with their WoodiWILD project, which was established in 2019. We have raised enough funds so far for 124 trees to be planted by WoodiWILD in cleared farmland areas across Australia. WoodiWILD is a registered charity which celebrates micro-forests on Aussie farms, helping native plants and animals to get back on their feet. You can help us to reach our target by making a donation to https://woodiwild.org/canterbury-girls-high-school/

Also, several weeks ago, the S.E.A held a touch a tree competition, which was open to all students. Its aim was to encourage an appreciation of trees both in our school grounds and surrounding environment. There were many amazing entries. Olivia Shi was the winner, and now has the title of tree whisperer!

We are also in the process of finding an organisation that will work with our school in the recycling of batteries.

Finally, on Friday September 11, S.E.A will be holding a bake sale and lolly guessing competition during lunch in the Rusty Cott pavilion. We will be raising funds to purchase tap aerators for all the bathroom taps at school. Tap aerators will reduce the amount of water that we waste when we wash our hands.

Take care, and take care of your environment! 


Accessing free books online – Hi everyone, did you know that we have FREE access to ebooks and audiobooks through Wheelers Library?

The instructions are as follows – 

Introduction to ebooks & audiobooks:

1. Login to Intranet - CGHS Student Home Page - http://intranet

2. Select the icon - "Browse & Borrow ebooks & audiobooks"

3. Start browsing or "get the ePlatform app" check out the videoguide

4. The ePlatform app allows you access to the ebooks and audiobooks

from any device.

5. Browse the collections offered or SEARCH - perhaps for the

Wellness Collection.

6. Select the title you want.

7. Sign in - using your usual CGHS Username & Password

8. Click on BORROW - READ (check options)

9. Check details of book.

10. RETURN by clicking the relevant tag.

11. For audiobooks follow the same process - but you will need headphones to listen.

Check out the new “Wellness Collection” for both Fiction & Non Fiction material designed to empower personal and social capabilities, mindfulness and resilience for our students.

Enjoy reading 

R U OK? Day

Well being Links

A useful page for parents & carers on the NSW Department of Education website - Useful tools for parents and carers to support themselves and their children

Ms Yen's Wellbeing/Maths Corner